Index – National: If you are registered, you will be called soon to get vaccinated


We have addressed this in several articles on how well we are doing in terms of population-based vaccination in an international comparison. 2,312,501 people were vaccinated, of whom 905,117 had already received the second dose, the government’s information page and Index reported in the morning.

According to Our World in Data, only Malta surpasses Hungary in terms of EU membership per 100 people, and the UK, Serbia and two mini-states, Monaco and San Marino, including non-EU European countries, but as we wrote yesterday, Hungary also belongs to the world elite in a broader comparison.

However, to accelerate the vaccination program, a decision on the vaccination strategy was also needed, the essence of which was to give as many people as possible at least the first dose, thus rapidly increasing the partially immunized mass.

This is how the indices were vaccinated

The GP called. (…) After a mutual greeting, he stated that, according to his knowledge, I am not a chronic patient, so I could receive the Sputnik V vaccine after sixty years. He asked me if I would commit

Wrote one of our colleagues in his report.

After Monday’s conversation, on Thursday he had to fill out a consent statement, which he then took with him to the vaccination point, which included sixteen questions about similar illnesses, medications and health problems.

The vaccination finally took place on Saturday at the Military Hospital, where a long line greeted the arrivals.

It took me about two hours to get to the entrance of the hospital.

The needle stick was preceded by the completion of another statement indicating that the person agreed to receive the vaccine. At the information desk, the data of the identity card, address card and identification card were entered into the computer.

He received the second dose with a much shorter wait in place, and with fifteen minutes of observation he left after three-quarters of an hour.

“Are you sure I am? I’m only 28 … “

Our other colleague was called on March 30, after registering in mid-February, saying that he could go get vaccinated.

Are you sure? I am only 28 years old … The answer comes without hesitation: Yes, you, the elderly have been vaccinated, and you are next on the list, rejoice for him.

Sputnik V was recommended to him, but he did not immediately say yes, seeking advice from his mother, who works in a hospital.

Since he was vaccinating, he supported the decision. In addition, he assured him that in his opinion and according to his medical colleagues, Sputnik is the best vaccine.

Five minutes later, he called number 30 again from where he was watching and indicated that he was seizing the opportunity. It was scheduled for April 3 at the Military Hospital. Since he did not bring a consent form with him, he had to fill it out on the spot.

Meanwhile, I look around me. I find that there is no queue or commotion in the room. Three health workers coordinate arrivals. One of them is already waiting at the door for those who arrive for vaccination, the other is helping at the registration desk and the third is sending those registered to the vaccination points. Everything goes fast.

At the counter, they asked for their IDs along with the statement, with some encapsulations and stamps, it all took no more than three minutes. He was called after a short wait and went through the entire process without interruption.

A third of our colleagues reported a similar experience that they had already received the vaccine about half an hour after arrival. On Thursday we dealt with the vaccination of teachers in an on-site report, and we saw a long but fast line at Rókus Hospital.

Where are they vaccinated?

General practitioners, hospitals and specialized clinics are designated as vaccination points according to the provisions of the national vaccination working group, but most of the latter have not been active so far, but this has just changed in the capital. .

Viktor Orbán spoke on Friday about it

after Easter there could be 2.5 million vaccinated, and April 13 could be the day we can reach three million vaccinated.

(Cover image: A resident pulmonologist inoculated a woman with the first dose of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine at a vaccination center installed at the András Jósa Training Hospital on April 4, 2021. Photo: Attila Balázs / MTI)
