Index – National – Hungarians working abroad are also entitled to help for home renovation


A Katalin Novák The last state support for the family announced by the Ministry of Education in mid-October can still be requested by those who are raising at least one child and want to renovate, modernize and beautify their own home. The support will reimburse half of the renewal costs up to a maximum of HUF 3 million in arrears.

As indicated in a decree recently published in the Hungarian Gazette, the objective of supporting housing renovation is, on the one hand, to improve the housing conditions of Hungarian families with children, as well as to renew the national housing stock and whiten the national construction sector.

The Index has covered support for home renovation in several articles since the announcement, with the first part of a series of torture questions about the state program looking at exactly which families raising children can benefit from the support and how the process of application itself costs half the cost of materials and supplies. in the case of public aid covering half of the

1. Exactly how long can you apply for home renovation support?

The program itself will begin early next year and the grant can be applied for no later than December 31, 2022.

2. The maximum amount of aid may amount to a total of 3 million HUF. Material costs and wages can be claimed in half. But can I be eligible for support if I renew for a lesser amount?

Yes. For example, if the renovation costs the family a total of one million guilders, the state can reimburse 500 thousand guilders. At 2 million HUF, one million guilders, which means 50 percent of the renewal amount everywhere.

Families do better when they renew for 6 million guilders, but it can also be for less. The fact is that the state only supports home renovation once per family: Katalin Novák interpreted the decree in her latest Facebook video.

3. Can divorced parents also benefit from it? And, if so, how can they benefit from home improvement support?

If one parent is raising all the children alone, only he or she is entitled to the home renovation allowance. However, if parents are co-parenting, they may benefit half from public assistance and even forfeit the amount owed to them.

For example, if a divorced parent has two children who are raised together, they may receive one and a half million guilders instead of three and three million florins per household.

However, for example, the father may decide to give up the amount owed to his ex-wife, his partner. In such cases, the children’s mother can apply for the total state aid of HUF 3 million.

4. What legal or employment relationship is required for someone to receive support?

You must have at least one year of continuous social security status to claim, which also applies to employers. The main cases of this social security relationship are:

  • public and private service and other labor relations for all types of work and employment
  • team work
  • period of job search allowances
  • individual property
  • social enterprise
  • church service
  • agricultural primary producer
  • full time contributor
  • public evaluator of projects
  • Public or higher education relationship.

All are eligible for the subsidy, as well as any national or foreign employment that has been terminated for a maximum of 30 days in the last year.

For those who have lost their job, the job search allowance is also taken into account. Work is included in addition to retirement, as well as the undergraduate and graduate period. It is also a condition that the claimant is free of public debt.

5. If one of the parents lives and works abroad, can I apply for the housing renovation subsidy?

Yes. The foreign social security (tb) legal relationship is also accepted when requesting the rehabilitation subsidy from January. Families can also benefit from support for home renovation if one parent lives and works abroad and the other has a social security status in Hungary.

This is also true for single parent families. They can apply for the subsidy if the father has worked abroad but already has a national social security status on the day of the application.

6. Must the family have a permanent address on the property to be renovated if they want to take advantage of the grant?

To avoid abuse, if the family has owned the apartment for a long time, the parent and the child, the children

– Katalin Novák emphasized.

If you move or build a new apartment, a new house, this rule does not apply, then it is not necessary to prove a one-year residence. In the event that the beneficiary receives a displacement, the declared place of residence will remain in the Hungarian apartment affected by the renovation, so that assistance can be applied for if the other conditions are met.

The government decree literally says:

the allowance may be claimed if the claimant – in the case of a joint claim, both parties – and all minor children considered to be eligible for the allowance have resided in the apartment covered by the allowance for at least one year.

7. What invoices can be sent to MÁK? What type of work can be accounted for?

Almost all work related to home renovation can be accounted for. This includes electrical and masonry work, as well as plumbing and roof replacement.

Not only built-in kitchen cabinets, but large built-in appliances can be considered when applying for home renovation support. These include a built-in cooktop and built-in microwave, dishwasher, extractor hood, oven, and more.

8. If only one of the spouses has a permanent employment relationship or a social security relationship, can the application be submitted?

In this sense, the Government Decree establishes that if the spouses or life partners from the same place of residence jointly claim, then at least one of the applicants must declare the social security relationship required for maintenance.

9. Can the subsidy be used only for one’s own apartment? What if, for example, the apartment is in the name of just one of us or my parents?

Support can be requested if the applicant or a minor child (in the case of a joint application, the applicants together or their minor children) have together at least 50 percent of the ownership of the apartment, registered in the real estate registry .

10. Is it possible to renovate a fence, build a greenhouse, and insulate a roof with state support for home renovation?

Help is available for the following construction activities in particular:

  • introduction of water, sewerage, electricity, gas services, or construction or replacement of its internal network,
  • construction of a bathroom or toilet in an apartment that does not have such a room,
  • construction, modernization or replacement of heating elements, including renewable energy sources,
  • building insulation, including plinth insulation, thermal, acoustic and waterproofing works,
  • replacement of external doors and windows, installation or replacement of blinds, blinds, blinds, mosquito nets, security bars,
  • replacement or renovation of cornices, thresholds,
  • roof replacement, renovation, insulation,
  • construction and modernization of the chimney,
  • air conditioning installation, replacement,
  • solar collector, solar system installation, replacement,
  • Replacement and renovation of wall, floor, ceiling or ceiling coverings inside the apartment,
  • interior painting and wallpaper,
  • construction of galleries,
  • design and replacement of internal stairs,
  • plumbing installation and replacement,
  • installation and replacement of light switches and sockets,
  • installation, replacement, renovation of interior doors and windows, cornices, thresholds,
  • a building with the same topographic real estate registration number as the apartment, a non-residential room, that is, the renovation of the summer kitchen, laundry room, storage room,
  • fence construction,
  • construction of a car depot or open garage,
  • terrace, loggia, balcony, marquee construction,
  • make and replace coverings of spaces,
  • creation of a winter garden,
  • accessibility works if the child is considered disabled,
  • Strengthening of the base structure.

(Cover Image: Building Photography / Avalon / Getty Images Hungary)
