Index – National – Hungarian vaccine is being prepared


We have ordered the construction of a vaccine factory that will be large enough so that, in any case, if our scientists, doctors, teachers are able to develop the vaccine, we can produce a large quantity.

– can be read on the Facebook page of the Government of Hungary.

This factory will be built in Debrecen.

In an interview with Kossuth Radio on Friday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stressed that Hungarians do not need an explanation, but a vaccine.

Hungarians cannot die because the procurement of vaccines in Brussels is slow. You need a vaccine because it means life

– declared the Prime Minister, adding that a serious country, and Hungary is like that, cannot afford to have to be delivered for a vaccine during an epidemic like this. The Prime Minister then emphasized:

Lajos Kósa, the parliamentary representative of Fidesz, confirmed on his Facebook page a day later that the National Vaccine Factory will be in Debrecen. The deputy published a photo in which he consulted with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. He wrote that the factory would be established “on the recommendation of the operational tribe,” whose establishment was a “matter of national strategic importance.”

As the Index first reported, last year it appeared in the Hungarian Gazette which, in accordance with government decision 2030/2020 (XII.29), the University of Debrecen, in cooperation with the National Center for Public Health, received commissioned to develop a new type of coronavirus vaccine. Work began last year, animal experiments were already underway by the end of the year, and plans at the time promised:

the national vaccine can reach pre-registration in a maximum year.

In the first week of January, virologist Ferenc Jakab spoke about the new mutation of the virus, the safety of vaccines and a new common vaccine that is being developed in Pécs and Vienna. As he said, the Austrian company Cebina and the University of Pécs, in addition to the University of Debrecen, have also embarked on a new vaccine experiment, which is already well under way. The researcher said:

The laboratory phase of the vaccine development project has started and we will also begin animal testing in late January, early February. I am very confident that we will soon be able to produce results.

Top image: A member of the laboratory staff distributes the coronavirus vaccine according to the vaccination points in the Laboratory Diagnostic Department of the András Jósa Training Hospital in Nyíregyháza on December 27, 2020. MTI / Balázs Attila
