Index – National – Hungarian Medical Chamber: Vaccination program must be forcibly continued


In view of the epidemic situation, the Hungarian Medical Chamber issued a statement requesting a series of questions from the population and decision-makers.

The statement said that

“We have been the first in the world in terms of mortality rates of the population for days,

the vast majority of hospital wards are already Covid wards, intensive care units are under multiple loads, operating rooms have been closed, and ventilators are already fighting for the lives of Covid patients. Controllable health workers have been exhausted, hospitals are looking for volunteers to help with the work of the hospital, ”he said.

They added that overcoming the epidemic, opening up the country and preventing a fourth wave depends on vaccinating as many people as possible as quickly as possible. We are good at this, but how many people do we lose in the third wave is

it also relies heavily on the observance of restrictive measures, self-discipline and the observance of the rules of the population.

It was noted that “at the same time, the vaccination program must be continued in a forced manner and personal protection, distance and the minimization of contacts must be strengthened. In light of all this, the camera asked people to

  • plan your purchases, if possible go to the store a maximum of 1 time a week,
  • who can do it, avoid public transport,
  • don’t visit your loved ones and don’t get together with your friends because that’s the only way you can take care of them,
  • do not go to popular parks, lakes, excursion places on weekends,
  • Avoid all deferred travel, including domestic,
  • and avoid Easter family visits and watering this year to give water to loved ones next year.

Adherence to the above is a responsibility of everything that is “measurable in the number of human lives,” they stressed. They added that they know this all comes with a lot of tradeoffs, but if people don’t follow the above, they will render disease control measures ineffective.

Today, it is up to you whether intensive care units will be overloaded in the near future, which will already limit security of supply.

They wrote.

In addition to the above, warnings were also written to decision makers, they were asked to

  • immediately limit the number of customers in stores at the same time,
  • prohibit the formation of discussion groups of more than 3 people in public places, with the exception of those who live in a home,
  • order the closure of malls and shopping malls, where only the grocery store and pharmacy can be opened, and public spaces can only be used to access stores.

Anyone who doesn’t think we’re overwhelmed should come to the hospital!

“There is no capacity problem, all the contrary news is false, false,” said Gergely Gulyás, minister in charge of the Prime Minister’s Office, in Government Info held last Thursday.

Anyone who doubts what the Hungarian Medical Chamber claims about overcrowding and a lack of specialists will be fondly viewed in Covid departments. See it with your own eyes!

– László Szijjártó, president of the Győr-Moson-Sopron county organization of the Hungarian Medical Chamber, recently said in response to this.

László Szijjártó also said that he had also consulted with the directors of two hospitals about the call for recruitment of volunteers, who said they too would be interested.

He also stressed that they do not seek help for intensive care units, in addition to patients in a more serious condition, but for Covid wards where patients in better condition are treated.

They must be fed, watered, and care must be taken to keep the oxygen supply constant.

He said.

(Cover image: Bodnár Patrícia / Index)
