Index – National – Hungarian doctor who denies coronavirus misses autopsies


He remains the chairman of the Hungarian Medical Chamber in Heves County, and the orthopedic specialist who was recently discharged from the Pál Bugát Hospital in Gyöngyös for his skeptical claims of the coronavirus continues to practice in Ózd and Salgótarján. In a statement to InfoRádió, Alfréd Pócs said that his last job at Gyöngyös hospital on November 3.

It will be difficult for patients, there are times when 80 patients get there in one day. The others ask for four hours, I asked for eight

– said the doctor, adding that the appointment calendar at Gyöngyös Hospital until January is full, so whoever is kneeling now is doing very badly, they have to go to another place, to another city.

In early October, the hospital management informed Alfred Pócs that he did not need his job. The doctor, who has worked at the hospital for 25 years, has since said in several places that he has not denied the coronavirus epidemic, but believes that it is not possible to say who died without an autopsy as long as the number of deaths from coronavirus has fallen. .

According to the announcement of the Bálát Pál Hospital in Gyöngyös, Alfréd Pócs did not wear a mask during his specialized clinics, which endangered the health of patients and the specialist in the office.

He also held public lectures on antivirus, which were reported by various media outlets. With thirty days’ notice, his contract was legally terminated.

According to the hospital, the safety of care for orthopedic patients will be maintained.
