Index – National – How much support for home renovation can be requested and for what?


A Katalin Novák The last state support for the family announced by the Ministry of Education in mid-October can still be requested by those who are raising at least one child and want to renovate, modernize and beautify their own home. The support will reimburse half of the renewal costs up to a maximum of HUF 3 million in arrears.

According to a decree published in Magyar Közlöny on Wednesday, the aim of supporting housing renovation is, on the one hand, to improve the housing conditions of Hungarian families raising children, as well as to renew the domestic housing stock and whiten the sector of domestic construction.

the Index has addressed support for home renovation in several articles since the announcement. The first part of a series of torture questions about the state program was about exactly which families raising children can apply for support and how the application process is carried out.

In the second part, we go into detail about the legal relationship and employment required for someone to receive support, and exactly what work we can spend the amount of state support for home renovation on.

1. For the purposes of the regulation, who is a child for whom the Home Rehabilitation Grant can be used?

On the one hand, the fetus is already after the 12th week of pregnancy. A dependent child by blood or adoption is up to 25 years old, that is, one who lives with the family in a way similar to their lifestyle. However, if the child has impaired work ability, age does not matter. The minor whose parents died and his relative became the seconded guardian.

2. Exactly what type of property can be renovated with the grant?

Real estate properties located on the territory of Hungary, registered in the real estate register as the main purpose of a dwelling or residential house, as well as residential buildings of a real estate registered as dwelling or real estate center, are formulated by government decree .

3. Can I renew with relatives and close relatives?

An invoice issued by a contractor performing design, construction and installation work in connection with the renovation will only be accepted if the contractor is not a close relative or partner of the beneficiary. Or, if the reform is not carried out by a single owner but by a company, the same thing happens: there can be no relative, employee, manager, owner, etc. If the parents are requesting support together, both criteria must be met.

4. We have several stages of renovation, with more artisans, we do more work, one in spring, for example, and the other only in autumn. In this case, when can we apply for home renovation support?

The grant itself can be claimed from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2022. The grant is only paid for work started after January 1 and can only be claimed after the apartment renovation has been completed and the bills have been paid.

In the case of multiple invoices, the calculation of the application deadline will be based on the last payment date of the employees of the Hungarian State Treasury (MÁK), to whom the necessary documentation and invoices must be presented.

If the contractor also provides the material to the applicant, these must be detailed on the invoice.

5. Exactly how will it be proven that the amount of aid we have requested has actually gone?

The legality of the use of the support is made by MÁK. However, no later than 180 days after the payment of the allowance, the county or capital government office closest to the apartment can verify on the spot whether the family has used the allowance legally. A report on the investigation is prepared, which is sent to MÁK by the people in the government office.

6. How is the amount available for material costs and wages divided?

Support for home renovation is available at half in proportion to labor and material costs. Families are better off when they carry out renovations totaling HUF 6 million, so that the amount of labor and material costs is not less than 1.5 million guilders. For example, if the labor cost is 1.5 million HUF and the material cost is 4.5 million HUF, then we can recover the full amount of the labor cost, while we We ourselves have to finance 3 million HUF with the cost of the material.

7. What is the support if I renew myself?

If we decide to renovate the house ourselves, we can only count on a maximum grant of HUF 1.5 million.

8. When will we receive the amount of the home renovation grant?

Support requests will be evaluated by MÁK within 30 days from the date of receipt, in the order received. Deficiencies can only be remedied once during the examination of the application. MÁK will pay the grant amount within five days.

9. What is the state framework for financing the home renovation program?

Katalin Novák estimates the amount for housing renovation support at 150-170 billion HUF, according to a recent interview with public media by the Minister without Portfolio for Families. At the same time, the housing rehabilitation subsidy is an open-from-top allocation, so if more people than estimated need the subsidy, it will also be possible to increase the amount of funds in accordance with the ministerial promise.

10. We picked up the chocolate earlier. Is this how home renovation support works?

There is no double counting. What we have already resolved once by using the check cannot be done again with Home Rehabilitation Support. Basically this can only be considered for village chocolates, when we have spent half the amount of state aid on the renovation.

However, the inclusion of chocolate and support for home renovation are not mutually exclusive. Nor does the regulation stipulate the exclusion of renovation works covered by the support of the savings fund for housing under contracts concluded before October 2018.

What is enough government support for home renovation?

For the renovation of almost a complete house, six million guilders may be enough, half of which can be returned by the state. Our 100 square foot home has been completely renovated at 5.2 million.

(Cover image: An apartment under renovation in 2013. Photo: Péter Komka / MTI)
