Index – National – Homeless people drive multiple times their average fuel consumption in recent months


The homelands also pushed the gas properly during the quarantine. Even though the country was closed for a long time, they could still run out of fuel in their cars dangerously.

Blikk asked the Parliamentary Office, in a monthly breakdown, how much MPs spent on their gasoline cards, especially in regards to the declared emergency due to the coronavirus epidemic.

According to this Fidesz’s István Horváth leads the list with a total of 1,683,533 HUF. In April alone, he refueled his car for 159 thousand HUF, while in May he refueled for 249 thousand HUF. This means an annual mileage of 65,000 kilometers with an average consumption of 7 liters. It is not easy to get that far in our little country. Perhaps the most plastic thing is that this distance can be imagined as one and a half times the length of the Equator.

Each representative has a frame, which depends on the distance from Budapest and the size of the constituency.

This was told to the newspaper by his pro-government compatriot, who was surprised by his result on the list.

It is hardly followed Balázs Ander, a politician in Jobbik colors, who managed to refuel more than 200,000 wells even in the harshest months of the epidemic period. He spent his full car for a total of HUF 1,640,015.

Third and fourth places are also held by two representatives of the largest ruling party, Richárd Hörcsik (1,559,535 HUF) and István Tiba (1,517,296).

The fifth is the politician of Our Country, István Apáti. The charge on your gas card is 1,259,938 HUF.
