Index – National – Hobby Drones and Researchers May Also Be Impossible by New Law


Under the law before the vote, the drone game is considered an airplane.

an unmanned aerial vehicle that does not have a maximum take-off mass of 120 grams and is not equipped with a data logger and is not capable of moving more than 100 meters from the remote pilot.

A Devices with a value greater than 120 grams in the case of a person who has received training and passes an exam or is receiving training, whose activities may affect aviation security.

In a statement issued on November 11, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM) reported that as of January 1, 2021, unmanned aircraft can only fly using the HungaroControl application. This is to ensure that drones receive up-to-date information on airspace information and restrictions.

The ministry recalled that the general EU regulations on UAVs came into force last summer and should have been applied as early as July this year, but this deadline has been extended until the end of 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The creation of certain detailed rules remains the responsibility of the Member States, and the ITM proposal contains elements of the new national drone regulation at the legal level. The draft creates the necessary framework for safe operation, flexible and innovative use of drones

The ministry wrote in November.

The bill states that

the aviation authority will maintain records of aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicle systems and their operators.

Hungarian airspace will only be used by registered vehicles. Unmanned toy aircraft will not be subject to registration.

The ministry stressed that the regulation also provides greater protection for fundamental rights to respect for privacy and peace of the home. Furthermore, Hungary, at least on a regional level, wants to play a leading role in the diffusion of drone technology, as the diffusion of the technology has a number of additional benefits and positive effects on software development and agriculture, among others.

The proposed provisions also stipulate that unmanned aircraft can only be used in ad hoc airspace over populated areas. This does not apply to toy drones.

The designation of an ad hoc airspace for a maximum of seven days may continue to be requested from the military aviation authority, failing which, drone within populated areas will be considered a traffic offense.

One of the most important parts of the bill is that

In the interest of a quiet family life, a person can be held liable for a private crime if he takes a photograph of his other house or occupants with his camera-equipped aircraft without the consent of the persons concerned.

Drones in politics and the press

Recently, Magyar Hang and Transparent published images of several armored military vehicles parked at the estate of the great businessman Lőrinc Mészáros in Bicske.

Subsequently, a Transparent and Magyar Hang employee was questioned by the Economic Protection Department of the Fejér County Police Headquarters regarding the images. As it turned out, the police initiated a process against an unknown author for the recordings made with the drone, for the crime of illegal acquisition of data. Ákos Hadházy An independent member of Parliament announced in a Facebook post on October 30 that he had taken the photos.

By the way, Hadházy also flew a drone over the Alcsútdoboz farm, formerly owned by Viktor Orbán’s family, to record images of it.

Political motivation behind the drone law?

Drone users warn that the bill would make it completely impossible for modelers and hobbyist drones, as most usable unmanned vehicles weigh more than 120 grams, including batteries.

In the general parliamentary debate on the law, according to the summary of the MTI, it is the socialist László Szakács proposed an amendment, which was introduced by Hungarian Modeling Association prepared. However, this was not discussed by any of the fund committees. He argued that the suggestions of the organization should be taken into account so that everyone can continue with the hobby they want.

László László Keresztes, the leader of the LMP faction wondered how the legislation had been drafted, claiming to be surrounded by astonishing outrage. The LMP politician also said that no consultation preceded the presentation of the proposal and

there is a tough intervention, behind which there is a strong political motivation.

László Mosóczi, The Secretary of State for Innovation and Technology said in response to suggestions that the proposal would create conditions for the safe use of drones and would also pay particular attention to protecting privacy.

According to László Mosóczi, the proposal was developed with extensive professional collaboration.

An amendment to the weight limit for drones is proposed

Six invoices were placed on the invoice. One is the socialist Tamás Harangozó, the other five are the serico Robert Dudás presented.

Its bell modifier contains the changes proposed by the Hungarian Modeling Association. Consequently, the competent ministers would designate the part of the Hungarian airspace

where unmanned aircraft can be flown for sports, hobby or research and development purposes. Unmanned aerial vehicles that operate in said airspace will be exempt from the registration requirements of the aeronautical authority if they are operated within an association. For operations carried out in these airspaces, the remote pilot is exempt from the examination, as well as from the obligation to report flights online.

The bell modifier is another cardinal point of the weight limit of 250 grams instead of 120 grams would lift.

Introducing a 120 gram weight limit would declare a range of aircraft models and devices suitable for UAVs that pose no threat to aviation security or private sector privacy rights.

– can be read in Tamás Harangozó’s explanation.

Harangozó and the Hungarian Modeling Association consider that the weight limit established in the original proposal is a serious rigor, because they affirm that these are precisely the means by which young people between 10 and 14 years old interested in technology can participate in modeling and learning about drone technology.

This is the age group that is currently excluded from driving unmanned aerial vehicles. The devices that can be accessed or manufactured under this crowd are, in practical experience, mostly extremely expensive or cheap toys, but unusable.

They argue in the explanatory memorandum.

The airspace and weight limit amendment was also tabled by Róbert Dudás from Jobbik.

Parliament will vote on the so-called drone law on Wednesday morning.
