Index – National – Has vaccination order


According to vaccination plan citizens over 18 years of age with a TAJ number who have not been diagnosed with coronavirus infection in the last six months, so that whoever contracted the infection in spring can be vaccinated, according to a brochure updated yesterday by the National Health Center. They write:

Mass vaccination of the population should be prioritized based on volunteering and vulnerability to the Covid-19 coronavirus disease.

According to the package insert, after healthcare social benefit recipients and their carers Vaccination is organized in social institutions, in which case the registration system is not expected to apply, as this could reduce the number of people requiring vaccination.

They a over sixty years old are followed. They can pre-register for the vaccine online. The vaccination is not in the order of registration, but according to the vaccination plan. Retirees can also submit their vaccination application on paper.

After 60 The vaccination is applied to employees of the security and administrative bodies who come into direct contact with the population in the course of their work. In the case of both target groups, the highest vaccination can be achieved with the vaccination organization related to the workplace, therefore, according to the creator of the vaccination plan, they also do not have to register.

He follows them vaccination of people aged 18 to 59 years with high-risk diseases. In this round, the registry can be considered, but it is not yet known how the information provided there can be linked to the underlying disease data.

After them those who work in critical infrastructurethey are vaccinated finally all young people from 18 to 59 years old, that do not fall into the risk groups mentioned above.

It would be important to know the vaccination plan, according to the virus researcher

There are two types of strategies around the world, but nothing is known about the Hungarian plan yet.
