Index – National – Has not started yet, but education has been suspended at the University of Performing Arts


A board of directors circular was posted on the university’s website, according to which

the new management, due to the blockade, does not see the real educational process from the inside and therefore cannot make responsible decisions.

While they write

It is also a major problem that according to the data we know, fire and accident protection regulations are not applied or are only partially applied in occupied university premises, hygiene conditions are worrying and regulations on alcohol and no smoking in buildings. In such circumstances, education conditions cannot be responsibly provided at SZFE facilities.

For these reasons, the Board decided that

after the fall break, education is suspended until the situation clears up.

By the way, the fall break was brought forward on the instructions of the chancellor and then extended until November 1, so there was no education at the university so far.

Additionally, student and teacher delegations will be invited to the Bavarian Actors Museum Gizi for a meeting on November 2. The event will not be public.

The circular was signed by the actor Zoltán Rátóti, a member of the board of trustees.
