Index – National – György Moldova: There will be when the statues of Kádár will be in the country


Christians from the Middle East are moving to the ancient village of János Kádár, Index previously reported. Viktor Orbán handed over the key to the building on a ceremonial stage II. Ignác Efrém to the Syrian Orthodox Patriarch. The number one leader of the socialist system, János Kádár and his wife, Mária Tamáska, lived in the village of Cserje Street for decades.

The right retains its memorial sites, see the statue of Turul, while the left is unable to do so.

– reacted on Club Radio to the fact that the residence of the late state leader of the anti-church party will be used by the persecuted Christian church.

According to him, the time will come when the statues of Kádár will be in the country, not because the people loved the leader of the party state, but because their own misery reminds them.

The statue of Béla Kun and Mihály Károlyi was also removed from its place. They also wanted to relocate the body of János Kádár, and when a collection was announced to prevent it, no one gave money. And when the grave was stolen, a question really arose, where did his head go?

Moldova said on the program. “It’s not good,” he adds.

The current apparently left-wing unity will disintegrate. The right wing knows no inhibitions and there is a country that is leaving, he stressed.
