Index – National – György Gődény was produced


The news was posted by György Gődény’s wife on the pharmacist’s community page:

we were occupied at dawn, and after a search and seizure of the house, Gyuri was taken away by the people of the “national” investigation office …

Kristóf Gál, a spokesperson for the ORFK, spoke at the operative court press conference on Friday about the fact that the police are constantly monitoring news, internet content and community inputs on Covid-19. The lieutenant colonel reported that the police had initiated proceedings against several virus deniers, for example, for spreading news of terror and inciting against an official order.

Melinda Gődény requested the following support for her husband:

We cannot be deterred by bullying and expiration! Time justifies us and the force is with us, so we believe the great common force that will be an example for others.

– written by.

An investigation was launched against György Gődény after a written question from Olivio Kocsis-Cake, Member of Parliament for Dialogue. The politician asked Péter Polt, attorney general:

where the action against virus activists and against the epidemic is maintained.

According to Kocsis-Cake, Gődény’s actions arouse serious suspicions of spreading horror. Furthermore, prior to the 2018 parliamentary elections, Gődény’s camouflage party raised HUF 150 million in state funds to finance his party, and has not reimbursed this amount to the state since then, although it would have been obliged after the “force “policy will reach one percent. choice.

The police are already dealing with the case of the antivirus doctor Gődény

Péter Polt evaluated the problems of the Dialogue politician as a report and acted quickly.

According to Olivio Kocsis-Cake, Gődény’s collection of anti-vaccination signatures is allegedly illegal and also concerns data protection.

In response, Péter Polt wrote that he had considered the MP’s questions as a complaint, so he forwarded it to the Budapest Police Headquarters, as the authority had to judge whether there was room to order an investigation.

On the basis of the fact that György Gődény was approached by the staff of the National Investigation Office, it is almost certain that a crime against him was suspected. In such a case, the procedure consists of taking the person to the police for up to 12 hours. In the meantime, a decision must be made on whether the suspicion will be stopped on the basis of the seized evidence and whether Gődény will be detained. Detention can last a maximum of 72 hours, during which time preventive detention can be ordered during this period, in which case the pharmacist will be detained for an extended period.

Hungarian virologist defending coronavirus vaccination faces death threats

The doctor has been under attack ever since he publicly debated epidemic skeptic György Gődény.
