Index – National – György Gődény, the epidemic, undergoes a coronavirus test


György Gődény, who has a reputation for relativizing the coronavirus, will be put to the test on Monday. It is not yet known exactly when and where to undergo the PCR test, but that does not change the fact:


Recently it has been spread in closed groups on Facebook, Reddit and Tumblr, that the Gödény prone to the epidemic is the coronavirus. Yesterday, we sought out the founder of the former camouflage party to confirm or refute the news, to which he immediately denied our information. After many people shared on social media that the pharmacist skeptical of the virus had contracted the virus, we asked Gődény to clarify the matter in a mocking way: undergo a coronavirus test so that the rumor can be clearly confirmed or refuted .

He responded by:

I figure out what to do with this because I get a positive result from the PCR test whenever I want. The curve should be consulted, and after 37 cycles it will be false positive anyway.

He added, it’s like flipping a coin. To our many requests, Gődény promised to do the test, although he did not reveal when or where, he only sent an SMS about his own phone number:

Dear Sir! THE (getting ready to test it) Something has happened to the Dr. and he can only do the test on Monday afternoon. It’s a matter of trust so I’m looking forward to it

– Gődény said, referring to the fact that he had asked an acquaintance of an unidentified doctor to perform the test. In an earlier phone conversation, he also promised to present the test result even if it was positive.

The background to the case is that in Tuesday’s broadcast of Facts Plus a known virus denier appeared who later contracted the infection. Although Gődény was not claimed to be a coronavirus, it was included in the material as the largest voicemail. Perhaps this could have been misinterpreted, but the news that Gődény himself was coronavirus swept social media. Everything works out on Monday, but the pharmacist did not say the specific place or the date.

Although he has reduced the reliability of the tests, after denying the epidemic, he must now deny that it is coronavirus.

Despite 4,000 new illnesses and 100 deaths a day, many wonder if the coronavirus is more than just the flu. From Gődény, Majka stole the show, who, through his own example, logging in from the Covid class, fights skeptical opinions and sends messages to his followers to take the coronavirus seriously, which also thoroughly tortured the rapper.

Majka is getting vaccinated against everything and is already curing the skeptics of the virus

The rapper gave a lengthy lecture on the coronavirus to his followers Sunday night.
