Index – National – Government to suspend shopping time zone for seniors starting Saturday


At the suggestion of business organizations and the Council of Elders, the government will suspend the shopping time zone for seniors beginning Saturday, December 12, which will help ensure that there is no tumult in stores during Christmas shopping. The suspension will remain in effect until the contrary is decided: a government decree will soon be available in the Hungarian Gazette, writes the MTI.

Starting on Saturday, anyone can shop at grocery stores, pharmacies, and drug stores with no time limit.

The suspension of the Senior Shopping Bar was initiated by national business organizations to reduce congestion typical of the holiday season. The proposal was also agreed by the Council of Elders, so the government decided to suspend the shopping time zone for the elderly. However, it was noted that wearing a mask is still mandatory when purchasing. Older people are asked to ask family members to do the shopping if they can, but if you’re shopping in person, avoid crowded stores!

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