Index – National – Government party representatives withdrew during Lajos Korózs speech


The second day of the parliamentary session began with speeches leading up to the agenda. For the first time, the issue of local governments faced great challenges in the second wave of the epidemic. Tamás Mellár, representative of Dialogue, spoke about the fact that local governments have recently suffered serious losses. He stressed that the government must support the municipalities in the first line of defense. The deputy raised the question that

municipalities do not have access to relevant data such as how many residents are in quarantine,

and these would be important for the defense.

László Keresztes László from the LMP also joined his opposition representative and emphasized that local governments, which function as the number one stronghold of defense, must be treated as true partners.

MSZP politician Lajos Korózs suggested that in the last ten days the number of deaths from coronavirus exceeded the values ​​of all other groups of diseases in most of the last ten days, and since mid-September the rate of infection compared with tested persons it was 5%. was over. He was waiting for an answer to the question of whether the government could provide additional assistance to health and social workers, provide them with adequate protective equipment, adequate rest and tests.

During Lajos Korózs’s speech, the representatives of the ruling party withdrew from the Chamber.

Csaba Dömötör, Secretary of State in the Prime Minister’s Office, said the government is doing everything possible to provide support to those who are fighting on the front lines. At the same time

the Secretary of State described as unworthy and heartless that the left was campaigning with the death of people.

Referring to the “camouflage video” of Lajos Korózs, he assessed that today there is no parliament in Europe where the president of the commission responsible for health can remain in office after such a shameful action.

If you really respect the front line fighters, stand up, any other decision is a slap in the face for the doctors and nurses.

Said Csaba Dömötör about Lajos Korózs video.

Jobbik’s deputy, Dániel Z. Kárpát, criticized the government because he said it was not prepared for the second wave of the epidemic and did not provide adequate assistance to people in a difficult situation due to the crisis.

According to Z. Kárpát, the government should introduce an 80% wage supplement for all sectors and restructure unemployment benefits,

because now 150 thousand are not entitled to any benefits. Bence Rétvári, Emmi’s Secretary of State, replied: However, good speeches can be made

MPs did not vote in parliament to maintain the credit moratorium, grant tax breaks, or extend the rehabilitation and social protection and child benefits.

Dániel Z. Kárpát said that in relation to the diversified amendments to the law, the narrowing and redefinition of the concept of public money, which hides behind the traditional family model, also affects the fate of state property organized on the basis of basic law . According to him, the expenses of state-owned companies and foundations close to the state will also be much better hidden after the amendment.

During the discussion of proposals on provisions relating to asset management and amendments to certain laws on asset management and finance

László Varju from the southeast evaluated the presentations as a “complementary action of the panic government”,

saying they are dealing with something that should not be, is a rescue. It also lacked impact assessments for invoices.

The Diálogo politician, Sándor Burány, said that the government was scrapping the bill “under the guise of night” amid the coronavirus epidemic, but that the purpose of the motions was not to protect health but to weaken socio-parliamentary control on public funds and assets.
