Index – National – Gergely Karácsony rejects Viktor Orbán’s proposal


“I used to love the numbers war as a kid, but now we live in different times,” the mayor wrote on his Facebook page Sunday morning after Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke to him in the Saturday morning television interview. night that “Budapest needs to change the business model.” The capital’s free funds of more than 100 billion guilders should be used to help. Christmas Gergely put it:

Be clear: the capital has no money to take over government responsibilities. We do not have 100 billion free, we are 150 billion less.

In addition to the epidemic and economic recession, the mayor cited “government austerity” as the reason for this.

But whoever has the money has the responsibility

Said the mayor. Gergely Karácsony suggests that the government transfer half of the money from the EU recovery fund in proportion to the population to local governments, “who, regardless of party affiliation, will use it much more usefully than the government.”
