Index – National – Gergely Karácsony introduced the new CEO of BKK


Katalin Walter will be the CEO of BKK from January 1, who was also introduced by Gergely Karácsony to the company’s senior staff on Monday, the mayor reported on his Facebook page.

Developing public transport and putting it on a sustainable path was a priority from a financial and climate protection point of view even before the coronavirus epidemic brought the world, Hungary and the capital to their knees, the mayor explained. Not only did the epidemic creep through his calculations, but the government’s martial policy also makes the situation in Budapest increasingly difficult.

But all this only motivates us not to brake, but to accelerate on the path we are undertaking. To do this, we needed an experienced manager like Katalin Walter, who handled the financial, investment and organizational strategy of large international companies in the private sector, and later worked as CEO of Budapest City Management Holding for the most rational, is associated with

Said the mayor.

Gergely Karácsony thanked László Fendrik, BKK’s interim director for the past six months, adding: He still has his experience in the position of Deputy CFO.
