Index – National – Gergely Gulyás: Vaccine notifications will be mailed to retirees starting tomorrow


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Gergely Gulyás, head of the Prime Minister’s Office, reported on the most important topics from the last government meeting in government information on Thursday.

The epidemiological situation was reviewed at the government meeting, about which Gulyás said that it is seen that the number of diseases is decreasing, but this

The head of the Prime Minister is confident that we have reached the peak of the epidemic and restraint is expected from now on.

Goulash also spoke about how the government will decide on December 21 which rules will apply at Christmas.

The most important thing is to prevent and slow down the spread of the virus.

However, there will be no relief on New Years Eve, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also spoke about this on Monday.

Regarding vaccination, he said that Hungary participates in the five vaccination programs of the European Union, but the government also has vaccines in Russia and China. Goulash has asked everyone to sign up for the vaccination on a website created for this purpose, which will not be mandatory but will be free to the public. He also reported that tomorrow letters will begin to be delivered through which retirees can register for the coronavirus vaccine.

Gulyás also rated the tests for health workers and teachers as successful, and said the exam for clerical workers had already started this week.

Gulyás also spoke about the EU negotiations that are still taking place at the moment. The minister believes that there is a possibility that an agreement can be reached at today’s EU summit that meets the demands of the Hungarian and Polish parties.

Our objective was clear throughout the negotiations. EU funding cannot be made conditional on political conditions.

He said.

According to the minister, although they hold debates in Brussels on the issue of immigration, they should not be decided now and should not be linked to the EU budget.

Doctors and nurses get the vaccine first

Responding to a journalist’s question, Gulyás said:

  • Not the prime minister will be among the first to be vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine, because according to the vaccination plan of the operational strain, health workers will receive the vaccine first.
  • They will also be able to launch a central campaign to promote vaccines.
  • If there are more vaccines, everyone will be free to choose which of the available vaccines.
  • The Senior Bar can also cause congestion in stores, so this will be discussed with the Council of Seniors and Merchants soon, and there may be a report on Friday or Saturday.
  • It has also been said about the New Year’s Eve restrictions that this year the sale of fireworks will be banned.

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