Index – National – Gábor Zacher: private doctors save lives instead of breast augmentation


Medical care persists, but there is clearly a shortage of ambulances, so cars are coming from the countryside to help the capital, Gábor Zacher, a toxicologist, told Patria Radio in Slovakia.

An emergency specialist at Hatvan Hospital said that the 120 beds at Hatvan Hospital are already full, so you have to play chess with the seats. They constantly discuss with the Covid coordinator over the phone where there is an empty bed and where patients can be transported. Gábor Zacher said that today it is necessary to transport up to 30-40 kilometers of a coronavirus patient in Hungary to reach an institution where there is still an intensive place. As he said, today the distribution does not depend on which hospital belongs to which territorial unit.

The toxicologist also spoke about how health workers are terribly tired, depleting their last minute energy reserves. As you said, it would be ideal for a nurse to see a maximum of three patients, instead, in most cases, they will see between five and six patients. Gábor Zacher considers that the situation of doctors is even worse: a doctor now has 10 to 12 patients on a ventilator, because “we cannot hang more doctors.” Gábor Zacher found it interesting that private health care works the same now, although instead of breast implants, it would be better for doctors to rescue patients in the Covid room.

Finally, Gábor Zacher said that it is conceivable that Hungary will achieve two hundred daily deaths from coronavirus in a few days. He believed that Hungarian medical care could cope with thousands of coronavirus patients who needed ventilation. “Reaching that number would be dramatic,” he said.

(Cover image: Huszti István / Index)
