Index – National – Gábor Zacher for the Index: People are full of capital with several months of closure


Only seven minors? Last year, many more ended up detoxing.

– Toxicologist Gábor Zacher responded to the Index search. We approached the chief physician who had previously worked at the Péterfy Sándor Street Hospital and the Military Hospital after the Index wrote: despite the curfew, which had been in effect since eight at night, they had to carry hundreds of people to detox.

and seven of them were minors.

Gábor Zacher currently works as an ambulance and according to him, New Year’s Eve 2020 was particularly weak.

Of course, there are always one or two young people who go crazy

– continued the expert, but according to the restrictions, this time New Year’s Eve was a particularly quiet night. Of course, strict epidemiological measures did not solve the alcohol and drug problems of Hungarian society, in addition, the use of various consciousness modifiers increased during the quarantine period.

People are full of capital after several months of confinement – he continued, but according to Gábor Zacher the biggest problem is that

the government does not currently have a valid strategy against alcohol or drugs.

The drug strategy just expired on December 31, 2020 and we never had an alcohol strategy.

He declared. According to the toxicologist, almost none of the now outdated drug strategy has materialized, mainly because the government is not allocating the resources at its disposal efficiently. About 70 percent of the costs are the work of police experts, and only about 30 percent of the funds can be spent on drug prevention and prevention.

According to Gábor Zacher, in neighboring Slovenia, this proportion is quite the opposite, our neighbor to the south spends 80 percent on drug prevention and only the remaining amount goes to police work.

This problem will not be solved by the Penal Code

Zacher continued. According to him, open and honest communication is the most lacking in Hungary. For example, we are not talking about the medical use of marijuana, although, as the expert pointed out, if an oncologist (i.e. EMMI Minister Miklós Kásler) leads health care, the new trend should appear, at least at the level of dialogue.

There are also political and communication reasons for alcohol problems in Hungarian society.

According to Gábor Zacher, as long as the distilleries are allies of Viktor Orbán, we cannot expect an alcohol strategy, but there is little control in the advertising of IS drinks.

Let’s watch the television commercials. In Hungary, we still identify alcohol consumption with a meaning of life, he said. It is unreasonable, he said, that while tobacco products cannot be advertised, alcohol can. However, drinking alcohol also requires almost as many sacrifices as smoking.

Zacher is not only vaccinated, he’s vaccinated

According to Gábor Zacher, the lack of fair communication is also the biggest problem in managing epidemics. The interview revealed

the chief toxicologist who now works as an ambulance was vaccinated on December 31st and told us our question: he did not experience any side effects.

The darkness about vaccination is staggering. But what can we expect if the government does not provide adequate information ?, Gábor Zacher finally affirmed.

(Cover image: Gábor Zacher Photo: István Huszti / Index)
