Index – National – Gábor Vona prepares for a big announcement


Gábor Vona, the former candidate for prime minister of Jobbik, founder of the foundation called Second Reform, prepares a big announcement. The politician, who is leaving after the 2018 elections, will hold a press conference on his Facebook in the morning on Tuesday morning. However, the event about this does not reveal what Vona is talking about.

The former chairman of Jobbik gave a great interview to the Index last September, then did not speak about whether he plans to return to politics. After another two-thirds of Fidesz, Vona decided to resign as president of the party. Since his retirement, he has written a book, launched a YouTube channel, and co-founded a foundation with young college students.

Although he speaks regularly on public issues, he is sometimes critical of his former party, but since his retirement he has refrained from speaking out in partisan politics.

His old political community recently asked Jakab Péter to be Jobbik’s prime minister candidate, representing the party in previous elections. In addition to him, Péter Márki-Zay, the mayor of Hódmezővásárhely and the current András Fekete-Győr also ran to lead the opposition.

But what can Gábor Vona do? Vote!

What do you think Gábor Vona announces?

  • 1090

    Go back to politics, start the pre-selection

  • 1007

    Something very different

  • 693

    Will form a new party after 2022
