Not only must Viktor Orbán be replaced, but the social state of mind that keeps him in power, but the opposition only wants to mount this state of mind from the other side – explained Gábor Vona, former president of Jobbik, president of Fundación Segunda Reform Spirit FM Fighting Club.
The former party chairman carefully analyzed Jobbik’s current situation, but also referred to other opposition parties separately, and said who he would consider the most likely opposition prime minister candidate.
Although he has previously endorsed Peter Jakab as Jobbik’s new leader, he has mixed feelings about his presidency of more than a year. According to Gábor Vona, we can speak of success in the sense that the popularity of Jobbik and Péter Jakab is growing, it is also possible that he is currently the most popular opposition prime minister candidate.
However, the kind of communication and political ambition that Jobbik describes, “what can be called a Paris campaign”, may be gaining popularity at the moment, but it will not benefit Jobbik or the country in the long run.
– says Gábor Vona.
The parizer is a symbol of poverty in Hungary. (…) If you campaign with this, you are essentially riding the existential anger of Hungarian society, the frustration of the lower middle class.
He said.
The president of the Second Reform Foundation added: this in itself is not a problem, but if the communication between Péter Jakab and Jobbik consists only of a parizador, the voting field to which it is directed does not yet form a central base, there will be engaged voters.
There will be disaster tourists at the party who most express their anger, financial difficulties, or the most critical of the government.
Gábor Vona pointed out.
His opinion is that if a party has a long-term strategy, it must fight for a stable voting base, which must win with some system of values, vision and vision. You don’t see that in the case of Jobbik.
The current strengthening of Jobbik is due in part to the fact that the conquered voters of the MSZP, DK, and some of the young people also returned to the party camp. According to Gábor Vona, Péter Jakab “is the one that most characterizes his dislike for Viktor Orbán”, while András Fekete-Győr’s most militant statements today “perhaps show his recognition of this.”
At the same time, the president of the Second Reform Foundation sees the character of Gergely Karácsony and Péter Márki-Zay as “talking” with other voters, which is minimal in the case of Péter Jakab and Klára Dobrev.
However, he said that the 2022 parliamentary elections depend on Jobbik, because if the opposition wants to win, it doesn’t just have to win in Budapest.
According to Gábor Vona, the opposition will “accumulate” in Budapest, but the question is, “who will penetrate the villages”, and in this sense Péter Jakab’s social populism may reduce Fidesz’s advantage.
He sees Jobbik’s weakness on the field compared to Fidesz in that it has become very weak organizationally in recent years.
Jobbik is now more of a media party than a network
Said the former party president.
He does not have a good opinion of the electoral campaign facing the country, from which he expects an “apocalyptic porn” in which death and sex play a fundamental role, the parties prepare for it and explore it.
Both the government and the opposition campaign for who is responsible for the deaths of the people.
Gábor Vona expressed his skepticism when he spoke of wanting a change of government, but was afraid that we would fall into a bucket. He also said that he would not bet now that there would be a change of government because he did not yet see the opposition as capable of doing so.
The opposition does not address him at this time as a person who wants to live in a bourgeois Hungary. But he also explained that it would be enough for him if the future joint appointed prime minister acted with the intention of uniting society. He repeated that he saw this in Gergely Karácsony and Péter Márki-Zay, but Péter Jakab “would find it very difficult to believe.”
He sees DK as a burden on the opposition if the coalition wants to attract other voters as well. Fidesz also builds its campaign on this, and calls the opposition parties Ferenc Gyurcsány allies, said the president of the Second Reform Age Foundation.
He also admitted that
Apart from Fidesz, DK is the only one that operates as a conscious political party and sees in them the greatest political potential.
Gábor Vona also commented on the other opposition parties: Diálogo, the LMP and the MSZP are only micro-parties, the latter
increasingly a content-free brand loyalty.
The Momentum, he said, missed a big moment because it could have provided a European civic alternative independently of DK and Fidesz.
The former president of Jobbik does not know when this opportunity went unnoticed by him, and only noticed it when it happened.
The Momentum could not become a true popular party
He remarked.
At Spirit FM’s Fighters’ Club, the president of the Second Reform Age Foundation was asked about his recently launched online referendum initiative, which aims to get Hungarians working abroad to vote by mail.
Previously, we also reported on the launch of the referendum on the Index, and recently Gábor Vona was the guest of our newspaper’s program titled Kibeszélő.
(Cover image: Gábor Vona. Photo: Attila Trenka / Index)