Index – National – Gábor Kemenesi: There can be no doubt, vaccination is good of course


Gábor Kemenesi, a virologist from Pécs, also received the vaccine. He also spoke about this, the epidemic, and this year in a video that he also shared with his followers on Facebook.

As he wrote:

I got the vaccine, I’m talking about why it is unnecessary to worry about what the science says about it and how mutations come to all of this. In the end, I will tell you what I think of the year 2021.

The virologist considers that all vaccines are good, as he said, there is no vaccine that he had not received yet. He said about coronavirus vaccines:

We have extremely good, extremely pure and extremely effective vaccines.

Many cannot decide which vaccine to choose, but the virologist says that each vaccine provides adequate protection against the virus.

You should take whatever vaccine is available and recommended by your doctor to everyone.

In response to more health care workers highlighting the vaccine’s side effects, he said they were “reading more science and less fake news.” According to

There is no question whether vaccination is good or bad, of course it is good.


The vaccine is absolutely necessary and effective.

Regarding mutant viruses, he said they infect younger people more and spread better. Vaccines also provide protection against new mutants. If not to the same extent as against the non-mutated version, but to a certain extent for sure.

In relation to the year 2021, he expressed the hope that the restrictions are gradually relaxed and that this will not be affected by mutations in the virus.

He sees this year as a year of recovery in health,

And it’s also positive about economic change. According to him, no country could endure a year of closure. However, the virus will stay with us in a “domesticated” form, which is “no big deal” if we take the vaccine.
