Index – National – From Orban to Gődény: the dictionary of public life was further expanded last year


In the more knowledgeable public, of course, the coronavirus epidemic inspired most of our new phrases, but also came memorable formulations from the world of party politics.

It would be impossible to list all the examples of a pandemic in the here and now, as, as the Index wrote, a separate dictionary for the quarantine era had already been born. As a general rule, most neologisms seem to describe behavioral responses to the epidemic.

Virgin bread and covidinka

One of the ingenious cases of productive word formation is a virgin bread covers a man who had never baked bread at home before the epidemic. The player covidinka yet it describes with almost indulgent love anyone who underestimates or overestimates the weight of the current pandemic.

Virus realistic

He is György Gődény’s pharmaceutical-bodybuilding monster who has been accused of “virus denial” by many in the public, and even in the eyes of the authorities for his epidemic skepticism. According to Gődény, who was obviously meant to be surprising, it is not an antivirus, but realistic viruswhen you question the destructive power of Covid-19. The term turned out so charming that (at least in terms of itself) no one outside of it has really used it since.


He took it all, a country turned upside down in the expression of medical director Cecília Müller last May.

Let’s go to bed with the boy’s nymph!

The word was intended to refer to the sleeping pet of young children, which, however, has not been included in the relevant academic vocabularies until now. The bold imagery associations (and some serenity) were also caused by the fact that the English youngsters The word – which means: thin gay teenager – is also used to being a nun.

Mask deniers

It’s simple, it describes those who do not follow the rules of use of masks. Nowadays it sounds completely obvious to the ear, but let’s think about it: if we had heard that word a year and a half ago, what meaning would we have guessed?

Covid lethargy

Translation from English Covid Fatiga. It refers to depression, irritability, and a growing sense of loneliness due to a dearth of social hobbies and travel restrictions.

Scouts and raiders

Even at the time of the first wave, Viktor Orbán announced that scouts and raiders sent to all corners of the world to find the means to control the epidemic for the country. It may sound like a cuckoo egg, as none of the words are new inventions, but in this context, and thus together, we have never heard them before.


We are now in the world of virtigli internal political battles. In July last year, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, returning from his talks with the EU, said that

Some of these liberks that I had to argue with, I still carry on my back.

It is not an innovation, rather it is the great return. Orbán here apparently made a derogatory reference to the liberals in Brussels, the choice of unusual voices evoked, among other things, the lowest moments in history.

Mosluk Coalition

A couple of weeks ago, László Kövér, Speaker of the House of Representatives, known for his emotionally heated expressions,

a coalition of left neo-Marxist slums, libsi, komcsi homogenized by nothing

he scolded in horror the worthy ones. The metaphor of messy kitchen scraps seemed almost contained in his mouth.

Potato kingdom

President Jakab Péter Jobbik recently described Viktor Orbán’s government, with the aim of knowing that Fidesz fries in the Borsod by-elections in exchange for votes for those living in the deepest poverty. Following the old borrowed potato chip principle, Jakab came to the plenary session of parliament with a bag of potato chips. Later, the Speaker fined him 4.4 million HUF for this performance.

Linguistic invention, instead of arguments

Of course, the use of creative vocabulary training is not new, neither in Hungarian nor in international politics. Just a few classic examples:

  • command parrot (Former SZDSZ president Gábor Kuncze on Orbán’s first government)
  • dumakormányzás (Fidesz on the Gyurcsány government in 2005)
  • limousine socialists (Fidesz on Medgyessy / Gyurcsány governments) – it is interesting that in French the same caviar leftand in English champagne socialists
  • harassment theaters (Leader of the Máté Kocsis Fidesz faction in the cinemas of the capital)
  • bullying church (Reprinted by actor Ervin Nagy to generalize to Máté Kocsis)

What a denial, those words are usually visually powerful, often compelling, and sometimes even explicitly entertaining. However, at best they can replace objective reasoning, they can never actually replace it.

(Cover image: Cecília Müller, Viktor Orbán, György Gődény. Photo: István Huszti / Ferenc Isza / Index)
