Index – National – Frantic M1 corridor got into traffic


Under the influence of a couple of drugs, he drove against traffic on the highway in the Bábolna area, he writes in Magyar Közút’s Instagram post. They were not so disturbed by the debauchery that they also drove to one of the gas stations, which was so brilliantly successful that they also went to the gas station business with their car.

They did not feel that the situation was uncomfortable, not so much that they continued on their way, and in no way.

They managed to find a way to continue their journey against traffic again, with as much difference as before that this time they were driving in the stop lane.

The 35-year-old man and his 43-year-old friend were eventually detained by police in a rest area around Tata, and possessing drugs and danger on the road criminal proceedings were initiated against them.

It is noted in the post, it is a great fortune that there was no accident on the track during the wild race and no one was injured in the store.

The incident was also recorded by three cameras on the road.
