Index – National – Five teachers already died in the epidemic, may catch the floor in public education


The current situation is unsustainable, says Anna Komjąhy, vice president of the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ), who said

Schools must be closed for two weeks and children and teachers must return to classrooms only after the test.

He said that teaching colleagues constantly send them information about the problems they face in education.

I’m not sure how many are dead

No union has precise information on how many teachers have fallen ill so far, they too only find out from the press and their members if any of their colleagues have lost their lives due to the coronavirus. More recently, as the Index wrote on Monday, one of the teachers at the Kossuth Lajos primary and secondary school in Tiszafüred died. due to illness caused by a coronavirus.

To date, at least five educators have died of complications from the coronavirus in Hungary.

The PDSZ vice president emphasized:

Educators around the world are very afraid because in many cases they only know from private conversations which of their peers is sick.

Anna Komjąhy added that although principals have an obligation to report to district leaders, citing sensitive data, educators do not know how many of their colleagues have become ill.

The website of another advocacy organization, the Teachers’ Union (PSZ), lists ten deaths related to the coronavirus.

Parental Voice Community conducted an online survey on managing school epidemics. The most important results of the 10,000 comments from parents are:

The most common problems are: lack of distance or use of masks, inadequate research and contact tests, distance learning in case of infection, lack of quarantine among those involved, lessons with mixed classes, no use of a mask.

The union president also stressed that teachers are at great risk. As he put it:

the educator has a mouth mask and it is his greatest weapon against the virus.

Zsuzsa Szabó mentioned as an example that when a teacher enters a class where he teaches thirty children, he comes into contact with approximately one hundred people, including their relatives. He highlighted the specific case when

There were nine certified infected students in a class, yet no digital classroom curriculum was ordered, the children were not segregated, and their teachers had an additional six to seven weeks on those days.They went to class, to teach other students, transmitting any infection.

The PSZ president said it was a serious emergency, but school leaders were powerless. This is because principals cannot decide on the transition to digital education. This can be decided by the Public Health Center or the Operations Personnel, but in the meantime, days will pass and teachers will have to face this unsafe situation.

According to the PDSZ, the fall holidays did not improve the situation either. Anna Komjąhy referred to the statement when Zoltán Maruzsa, Secretary of State for Public Education in the Ministry of Human Resources (EMMI), said that the fall holidays in schools could be appropriate to break the chains of the coronavirus infection. This assumption has not been corroborated, nor are the companions getting sicker by the day. The vice president emphasized

there is a secondary school where there are between 16 and 17 teachers missing,

but only some of them have been confirmed to be infected with the Covid-19 virus. The situation is untenable, according to Komjathy, as all asymptomatic teachers have to report to school early in the morning and have no idea how many hours they will be replaced that day. Therefore, there is a situation that

the physical education teacher teaches an English class.

This could even lead to the collapse of the education system.

Not everyone receives full sick pay

Both unions mentioned as a problem that the announcement by Minister Miklós Kásler that teachers who could not perform their work and were classified as coronavirus or in close contact could not be fulfilled, were also entitled to one hundred percent of the sick pay.

Zsuzsa Szabó, president of the Teachers Union, is concerned that after sick leave in September, only 1,083 colleagues received 100 percent of sick pay, although the order of 170,000 teachers could have been orders of magnitude higher. and they could have received the full amount of your salary.

We are overwhelmed by complaints from our colleagues that GPs are unwilling to accept sick pay from them with the correct code.

As a solution, both organizations suggested involving the occupational health organization, since those who work in education get sick from their jobs.

PSZ also sent an open letter to educators on its website asking them to inform EMMI by email about irregularities related to sick pay that are causing serious financial problems for families.

Do you let your child go to school with a calm heart?

(Top Image: Students at the Szerencs Vocational Training Center Digital Community Creative Workshop on opening day on September 30, 2020.

MTI / János Vajda)
