Index – National – Fine for mask can be up to a million: austerity has arrived


The day has come, today is the true Monday from which the strictest rules on the use of masks will come into force. This means, among other things, that it is now mandatory to wear a mask in restaurants and entertainment venues. Protective gear that covers both the nose and mouth can, of course, be removed for consumption or worn sitting at the table.

The operational staff has warned the authorities, including the police, that they will check that the catering establishments are complying with the regulations. In the absence of proper discipline, they may even close big-name restaurants.

An important difference is that until now only those who worked in restaurants had to wear a mask, now buffets, pubs, canteens, plaza restaurants, etc. in each of them, the guests must also wear a mask.

If the authority has knowledge of the violation, the place will be warned in the first instance, however, a fine of HUF 100,000 to HUF 1,000,000 can be imposed, or the room can be closed for at least one day but not more than one year. , in accordance with the latest restrictions, these sanctions can now be applied at the same time; We have also read the corresponding regulations.

This is an essential element because the system so far has been more patient and gradual. First came the warning, and then the amount of the fine imposed increased according to the number of violations that occurred at the scene. The final step was the shortest closing and after one year.

The Restoration Regulation establishes quite precisely that:

In a store where restoration is also carried out as an accessory activity, it is not necessary to wear the mask during the period of consumption of the food and beverages purchased there. A person staying as a guest in the caterer is not required to wear the mask while sitting at the caterer’s table, or if the food or drink purchased in the caterer can be consumed not only while sitting at the table, alone during the consumption of food or drink.

That is, the mask must be worn until we enter the catering unit and take a seat at our table. For example, if you order at the counter, go out for a smoke, make a phone call, or go to the bathroom, you will need to put your mask back on.

If we break the rules, the regulation states that the staff can call us to leave.

It also follows that it is basically the task of the restaurants, the responsibility of the operators to comply with the mask rules with the guests, which came into effect on November 2. Inspection can also be carried out by the police as a business authority.

A mask must be worn in nightclubs, including music and dance events, unless:

  • we are the artists
  • we eat food or drink at the buffet

Summarizing all the above regulations, as a general rule, always wear a mask indoors, even if the protection distance of one and a half meters cannot be observed for some reason.

While we eat and drink, we do not need a mask either, but in buffets, restaurants, etc. in all other cases, cover your nose or face.

The mask can be a medical, occupational safety or textile mask, but the scarf and shawl are also not suitable for protection in Budapest.

Period of rules followed by force

Cecília Müller justified the current tightening, among other things, by the fact that the virus is now so widespread in Hungary that it is no longer possible to know with certainty who is sick, many of whom are asymptomatic. That is why now everyone is considered a contagious potential.

Viktor Orbán also spoke in Kossuth Rádió’s usual Good Morning, Hungary Friday morning interview that a new world will start today at home, but he does not believe in multiplying the rules, but in enforcing existing rules.

From now on comes the punishment, (…) The time has come when we must force the rules

said the Prime Minister, among others.

The rules so far on where to wear a mask have been summarized in this article:

A mask is not yet mandatory on the street.

When, where and who is it mandatory to take it? Now we answer all the questions.

(Cover Image: Index)
