Index – National – Ferenc Gyurcsány sees the key to electoral victory in a list and common candidates


The Democratic Coalition (DK) held the opening ceremony of the “Common Victory, Common Hungary” campaign, scheduled for Heroes’ Square but canceled due to the evolution of the epidemic. The meeting was attended by Ferenc Gyurcsány, party chairman, Klára Dobrev, DK MEP, László Kiss, mayor of Óbuda-Békásmegyer and Georgina Németh, member of the Democratic Momentum (DEL).

At the launch of the online campaign, Ferenc Gyurcsány, president of DK, put it this way: they are already leaving for the next year and a half to create a home from their native land. He added that it is often said in public debates that the Christian must be defended, but the DK president said the word had acquired a new concept for some time and said that those who made a political slogan of Christianity weren’t exactly Christian. He asked these politicians not to ruin the notion of nation, country, respect and honor.

He also spoke about the fact that the campaign opening event has been launched now, about a year and a half before the parliamentary elections, to create a country where lies will not be the ones to shape our lives. He added that now, fair national conservative patriots, greens, moderate rightists and people from many different places agree that an understanding must be created in Hungary, and DK is thinking about this. The party president sees that there is finally an intelligent and responsible cooperation and dialogue between the parties of democratic cooperation, and they are united by one thing: they want to return their homeland to the people, and he has the best opportunity to do so with a common list. .

With her many years of work, DK has the support of perhaps a million people, but that means more rights, not more responsibilities. Everyone should be aware of this

– said Ferenc Gyurcsány at the launch event of the online campaign.

Later, the III. a video of the district mayor followed. László Kiss sees that the epidemic and government inertia have taught people the lesson that they need to learn to work together. “The extraordinary circumstances drove the coalition out of the whole country,” he explained, then explained that in the fall of 2019, the Fidesz-KDNP was not only defeated, because the coalition won in all the individual districts of Óbuda. In the campaign, László Kiss and his team did not work for positions and parties, but for the town of Óbuda, and then they described October 13 as a historic victory.

He also believed that this experience could be harnessed now because the epidemic could have shown people that they needed to come together. The mayor of Óbuda, who may have already experienced it this past fall, summarized his speech as follows:

It is time to understand that the DK is the largest opposition party because it has understood that it does not matter what percentage or seats it holds. It’s time for everyone to remember: with a common list, we can win again.

A member of DK’s youth section also spoke at the opening of the campaign. Georgina Németh, a member of the Democratic Momentum, said she graduated as an opera singer and that freedom was important to her as an artist. She considered that the expression of opinion should be a value and considered it important to defend the students of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE). She also sees that the current government wants to take away education and the arts from the people.

“If you dictate what culture is and what it is not, you are one step away from burning books, prohibiting cuts, absolute, total dictatorship.”

He declared. According to him, one of the essences of the Orbán system is conscious insanity, and we must continue to work together against this and resist fragmentation and incitement to hatred.

Lastly, Klára Dobrev, DK MEP, spoke. I thought they would go a long way now, but in the end they could make Hungary better and more beautiful and everyone could return to a calm world. She also said that what bothers her most about the personality of the Prime Minister is that she does not want to understand anyone, but wants to subjugate, humiliate and destroy everyone.

He emphasized that the “change of government” comes from many places, they think in different ways, the past of political actors is different, they probably interpret the concept of patriotism differently, and the old and relatively new parties are together, but they are open to dialogue as they can understand each other. . And Hungary needs understanding, according to the MEP.

He sees that to defeat Viktor Orbán, a common candidate and a common prime ministerial candidate are needed in all electoral districts. He stressed that when the time comes to be together, they will not be able to compete with each other. It trusts, however, that there will be a space in which the opposition agrees on the identity of the holder and there will be another in which a pre-selection will have to be made. Klára Dobrev announced that DK was ready to nominate joint candidates according to their influence, strength and talent, nominate a prime minister, and add a sufficient number of candidates to the joint list.

However, he stressed that they have a lot to do until they can set up a common list. Go to the country living with anxiety these months because everything has become uncertain around the people. He said that while the government celebrates and celebrates itself, retirees face every day that what they could still buy last year has now become a luxury for them.

According to Klára Dobrev, the government has let Hungary down because it has spent a lot of money unnecessarily and the country is now suffering the biggest setback in recent years. She stressed that it had lost a third of the value of the forint under the government “while countless amounts of money were dispersed.” He believes there is a way to reopen schools and that is free testing. “Those who are infected stay at home, those who are not, go to school,” he stressed. DK MEP also spoke that people’s greatest fear of losing their jobs is because, while work support programs have spread to all parts of the EU, they have been suspended in Hungary.

The Hungarian government spent the bare minimum on labor protection and wage compensation, while spending countless funds on church foundations, sports investments, and hunting shows.

— He said. He stressed that a government that does not give anything to families with children, to retirees, to the unemployed during the crisis is neither national nor Christian. Speaking of the University of Theater and Film Arts, he described it as unusual and edifying that “the resistant await the conquering rapist.” The independence of the SZFE is not only a matter for the university, but also for a free Hungary, because whoever strangles the freedom of science, education and art will kill the future, he declared.

Finally, Klára Dobrev closed his speech with the latest DK motto: “Common list, common victory, common Hungary!”

It was also possible to vote in the event online anyway: at the end of the event, 98 percent of supporters voted in favor of opposition parties establishing a common list for the 2022 parliamentary elections.
