Index – National – Ferenc Gyurcsány: Hungary has overturned, Fidesz is in trouble


Hungary has turned over, Fidesz is weakening and the opposition could win in 2022 if the parties unite, Ferenc Gyurcsány told ATV.

The president of the Democratic Coalition spoke about this year in response to a turn-based question on ATV.

According to Gyurcsány, the “diffuse management of the crisis” of the Orbán government and the rapprochement of opposition parties in Hungary this year

And in the European Union, it has been determined by the strengthening of the friendly forces of the EU and the weakening of the forces that are disrupting the Union.

According to the president of DK, “conditions in Hungary have turned upside down”: the economy and healthcare are also in trouble, And Fidesz is getting weaker

Ferenc Gyurcsány writes about the future, he is confident that by 2022 the opposition will find a candidate for prime minister or candidate for common deputy, as well as create a common program and thus succeed in winning.

I have no other personal objective than a common victory for the opposition, a question of regime change, the restoration of the Republic.

He is stressed.
