Index – National – Ferenc Gyurcsány also expressed a fundamental opinion in the Demeter case


Ferenc Gyurcsány expressed his thoughts on the Demeter case in a Facebook post:

Bad numbers. Who says who will remain silent, who says who finally said well, who will go in his place. It can be darker than dark.

Wrote the president of the Democratic Coalition. The party’s executive vice president, Csaba Molnár, wrote in a statement that Szilárd Demeter, the director of the Petőfi Literary Museum, allowed himself unforgivable and irrevocable sentences, after which he no longer had a place in public life. According to Molnár, the way the statement relativizes and uses the Holocaust to spew cheap political mud goes beyond all borders.

According to the announcement

The Democratic Coalition hopes that the government will leave Demeter Szilárd unemployed tonight.

We do not demand the removal of Demeter, because this must be natural and evident even in Orban Hungary, wrote Csaba Molnár. He asserts that such a person has nothing to gain from public life, not just in a European country, but anywhere in the world.

“If this does not happen tonight, it means that these words could have also come from the mouth of Viktor Orbán, and the Prime Minister commits himself to the unacceptable. We sincerely hope that this indelible shame does not occur,” the party’s statement concludes.
