Index – National – Ferenc Falus: Vaccinees can be reinfected and transmit the virus


It’s very positive that none of those who received the vaccine have reported even mild symptoms so far, said Ferenc Falus, a former national medical director, on his ATV Start program. However, the expert hopes that at this rate, it will take until late summer for large enough masses to be vaccinated.

According to the former national medical director, the fastest-spreading coronavirus mutation seen in the British is a cause for concern because not much is known about it yet. However, what ensures that this variant of the coronavirus infects eighty percent of those infected with mild symptoms is that the others need hospital treatment, and currently the new version also follows this rule.

Fortunately, his sensitivity to vaccines appears to have persisted.

He said it was very positive that none of those who received the vaccine reported even mild symptoms. He stated that the risk of any of the vaccines is much lower than that of the disease caused by the coronavirus. However, he also said that

those vaccinated can also become infected and transmit the virus, although they do not produce symptoms. Therefore, the mask should continue to be worn and other epidemiological measures should be followed.

The village estimates that three million people will need to be vaccinated, and around two million may have already contracted the infection.

Regarding the vaccination plan, he recalled the EU agreement that health workers should be vaccinated first, then those who live in nursing homes, then those with critical infrastructure and only then other social groups. According to the village, vaccination will take place at this rate until the end of summer.

He believed that the performance of the Orbán government could be measured by the level of vaccination in January compared to foreign data.

However, it is still recommended that everyone get a flu shot.
