Index – National – Faro el Grande was vaccinated, not with anything


Beatrice’s leader was relieved to have received the coronavirus vaccine. Fero Nagy was one of the first to sign up for vaccination, he believes this is the most important step in getting everything back on track, writes Blikk.

They are reminded that the musician went through the coronavirus in the fall. Faro Nagy also told the newspaper that he had received a Sinofarm vaccine in China, his doctor said that he could not receive AstraZeneca. He added that so far he had not experienced any symptoms and had not filed the arm or the injection site. Faro el Grande also spoke about how the vaccine protects against disease and the transmission of infections. He also mentioned that he really wants to play music again.

Maybe I can say on behalf of my fellow musicians, everyone wants to play music and perform again, it has been too long, we believe in smart companies and pharmaceuticals.

– said the musician, with whom the Index conducted an exclusive interview a couple of weeks ago.
