Index – National – Facebook has deactivated Our country


Facebook has blocked the Facebook page of the Our Country Movement, the party announced in a statement. Dora Dúró, deputy of Our Country, will give information on the case on Wednesday morning.

The party’s Facebook page had more than 80,000 followers. At the moment, Facebook has only told the site operators that the site has been removed for violating its community policies.

First, the event commemorating the party in 1956 was canceled, referred to as something forbidden, and then the entire site was rendered inaccessible in no time.

– read in the party’s press release. According to them, Facebook intervened in the Hungarian EP campaign with censorship, as it was canceled without justification at the time.

the official community site of the President of the Nuestro País Movement with 207 thousand followers.

According to the party

Facebook poses a national security risk

The company’s actions are considered illegal and undemocratic. Previously, a bill was presented in this regard to force Facebook to

have a Hungarian citizenship representative in Hungary, so it would be easier to sue the company in Hungary.
