Index – National – Excavator Saves What Can Be Saved at Danube Oil Spill Site


According to information issued this Friday by the National General Directorate of Water, at the site of the oil spill in Szigetszentmiklós a special excavator was put into operation, whose task is to lift oily aquatic plants and contaminated sludge at a great distance. Work must be done to prevent dirt from escaping from the protected bog, into which an unknown perpetrator released thousands of gallons of contaminated diesel and motor oil last week.

Removal of petroleum derivatives is still taking place from the water surface in the reeds; work is being done with a vacuum pump oil harvester. A specialized company transported 6,500 liters of the pumping over 10,000 liters of contaminated water and oil from the site.

The water experts took a soil sample from the bog, and fortunately it seems that thanks to the quick intervention, the contamination can only be detected near the surface, it did not leak deeper.

Remediation may take days in Szigetszentmiklós, but revitalization of the protected area will take years, as contamination and excavation of contaminated soil may have destroyed tens of thousands of living things.

(Cover image: National Water Directorate)
