Index – National – Everyone goes to jail for gratitude money – Second job is also prohibited for doctors with high salaries


The delegation from the Hungarian Medical Chamber met with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Saturday, where they went over health care issues. The MOK’s proposals were accepted by the government, so Gergely Gulyás and Miklós Kásler presented to Parliament on Monday a bill on legal relations in health care, which provides for the increase in medical salaries and the abolition of medical second medical jobs and thank you money.

Thanksgiving Money Canceled, Senior Doctors Can Make Two Million

Gratitude money is a bribe in the future.

According to the bill, as of January 1, 2021, the person

who, in connection with the provision of health care services, grants or promises an illegal advantage to a health worker, health worker or other person as defined in the Health Care Act, if not commits a more serious crime, you will be punished by imprisonment of up to one year.

Thus, according to the amendment to the Penal Code, next year a person who gives or accepts money in gratitude can also go to jail.

The bill also prohibits second-rate private practice and private use of public infrastructure:

A person in a health services employment relationship will be required to engage in additional employment, including other paid employment and paid activities: scientific, educational, artistic, review, editorial, legally protected intellectual property, the employment relationship with adoptive parents ( hereinafter, together: practicable). activity) only with the prior permission of a government designated body.

A person in a legal health service relationship may not perform health care activities at the registered office or facilities of the health care provider who employs him that are not covered by his legal health service relationship.

The bill also states that, at the discretion of the maintainer, a healthcare worker may be sent to another institution for work, but the opinion of the head of the healthcare provider in question must be sought in advance.

The duration of the service commission may only be for a fixed period, which may not exceed one year, but it could be extended once for another year. According to the bill, the health worker must be informed at least ten working days in advance.

Cover image: MTI Photographer: Tamás Kovács
