Index – National – Eötvös Loránd University TTK banned personal attendance at conferences and seminars


ELTE TTK has banned the holding of all lectures and seminar exercises in the form of attendance with immediate effect due to the threat posed by the coronavirus – draws attention to information posted on the website on Sunday. As of August 31, instruction in both types of lessons, lectures, and seminars can only be delivered in absentia, that is, online.

The dean’s leadership justifies the decision by arguing that the recent wave of infections affects a very high proportion of college students, and many foci of infection can be attributed to “college events (not ELTE!)” Or a number meaningful places for young people.

Lab exercises and short field exercises at the beginning of the semester are not covered by the ban at this time, because face-to-face training is especially important for these types of lessons. In the next few days it will be reviewed whether the study plan should be adapted to the new situation.

The number of newly identified coronavirus infections peaked in Hungary on Saturday. Another 292 people tested positive, the highest number of cases since the 210 carriers detected on April 10. On Sunday, regulations on the tightening of border epidemiological controls and travel restrictions were already published in the Hungarian Gazette, after Gergely Gulyás, the head of the Prime Minister’s Office, announced that Hungary would close its borders due to the epidemiological situation.
