Index – National – Eighteen police officers were arrested for corruption


There are eighteen defendants in the case in which the Győr Regional Investigation Prosecutor’s Office has presented its accusation. According to the Attorney General’s statement, motorists on the Lébény motorway detained foreign truck and tour bus drivers for inspection and only let them in for a fee.

They were asked for money for their advancement or, in the event of irregularities, to avoid prosecution. The patrols mainly detained Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Romanian vehicles, apparently overweight and, depending on the scope of the offense, released them for an amount between 20 and 50 euros without taking the necessary measures.

– announced dr. Attorney General Imre Keresztes, adding that the crime was committed for accepting an official bribe committed in a conspiracy or commercial crime and for other crimes for advantageous purposes, in violation of his official duties. The Győr Regional Investigation Prosecutor’s Office proposes the imprisonment and ban from public affairs against the 18 highway police officers in its indictment. The charge will be decided by the Military Council of the Győr Tribunal.
