Index – National – Do the opposition parties break with Ákos Hadházy?


Ákos Hadházy organized a demonstration with Bernadet Szél and Szabolcs Szabó in front of the MTVA building on October 23, but the opposition parties indicated that they would not take part in the blockade, but would go to the students of the University of Theater and Cinema.

Ákos Hadházy was left alone, SZFE is more important for opposition parties than blocking MTVA

Previously, Ákos Hadházy invited 100,000 people to the MTVA headquarters.

Hadházy got into an argument with opposition party leaders after he wrote on his Facebook page that László Bíró, a cobbled bikó, who had been supported by the coalition in the Borsod by-elections, abused the subsidies that received from the European Union. At the same time, the opposition issued a joint statement distancing itself from the statements of the Independent Representative, who said that Hadházy had not informed them of the alleged case of corruption of the Judge.

Although the absence of the demonstration organized by the Independent Representative was not explained by the parties in public, the opposition politicians we are addressing still have a connection. The leader of one of the opposition parties expressed it

the last drop was in the glass,

when Hadházy claimed to have informed them in a letter of the things the judge was wearing while this had not happened. However, he said this was not the first time that Hadházy placed the opposition in an uncomfortable position with his “private action”, and many had criticized the fact that he had presented and presented an obscene sign of disagreement with the parties during one of the prime minister’s speeches.

Momentum only

According to another opposition politician, the Momentum only “wants Ákos”, the other parties would prefer to support something more in the constituency number 1 of Tolna County.

Hadházy couldn’t win the district, in 2022 someone else should try.

– says the leading role of one of the opposition parties.

In April 2018, Fidesz-KDNP candidate István Nagy won the Szekszárd-based constituency, where Nagy won 51.56 percent, while Hadházy, who was still co-chair of the LMP, won 35.76 percent. It is true that at that time the full opposition coalition had not yet materialized: although Tamás Harangozó of the MSZP withdrew in favor of Hadházy, Balázs Szabó of Jobbik stood in the elections, he had the support of 9.36 percent of the electorate .

Hadházy: it is not my departure that matters

We also approached the unregistered MP on the matter, who said he is currently in his early twenties to ask if he would run for the next election.

While I can, I want to fight corruption. Unfortunately, I have been dealing with this problem for a long time, but so far the cases that have been discovered have not had much of a consequence.

We also asked Ákos Hadházy why he considered it important to give an opinion on Judge even after the elections. On this, the deputy told the Index that in 2022, the opposition must find the best possible candidates to succeed in replacing Fidesz.

If they think I am a good candidate, I will run; If not, I can also accept it.

Ákos Hadházy said.

(Cover image: Ákos Hadházy at the Kunigunda street demonstration on October 23, 2020. Photo: Gábor Czerkl / Index)
