Index – National – Digital quarantine is coming and schools may ask if they have a coronavirus student


With a short paragraph, the government would resolve the transfer of any health worker working in the country to another health institution. The only exceptions will be those who work for health care providers in the military, defense agencies, and law enforcement agencies, as well as students. According to the amendment

Health workers may be transferred to a health care institution that provides primary care, outpatient care or hospital care, or to a medical institution that operates temporarily during a health crisis.

The secondment of a health worker is decided by the state health administration body, taking into account the provisions of the national chief physician in case of participation of several counties. However, since the rerouting has already begun, the state is again trying to create a legal situation in retrospect.

The lives of police officers will be simplified with a salad law introduced by the government on Friday night in relation to epidemiological measures, which would allow a series of administrative measures in relation to the official obligation of home quarantine of foreigners. The bill that establishes certain norms on epidemiological measures and modifies certain laws on epidemiological measures

would cancel the specific administrative authority procedure in relation to the official obligation of home quarantine of persons coming from countries specified by a government decree at the time of a health emergency

Thus, after the entry into force of the law, the immigrant will be notified of the quarantine obligation under the government decree at border control, who will be able to indicate exactly where they want to spend this time. When entering the border, the quarantine agent must provide your name, birth name, place and time of birth, mother’s name, place of residence, the exact address of the quarantine home, especially if you are not in this place residence or residence, and your email address. , as well as your nationality and the number of your document used when crossing the border. This data can also be provided by the traveler planning a visit to Hungary 8 hours before crossing the border, which would also reduce the police administration.

This administrative obligation means, in some cases, the reintroduction of border controls, and not just at the Schengen borders. The amendment also stipulates that immediately after crossing the border, you must go directly and directly to the address provided as the quarantine home, where the red card you received at the border must be immediately issued.

It would make mandatory, if the necessary technical conditions are met, the installation and use of software that allows remote quarantine control of people in quarantine, and not only those who enter from abroad, but also those who are in official quarantine ordered by health authorities.

However, if compliance with the rule cannot be verified otherwise, you are obliged to allow a police officer to carry out an on-site inspection of the apartment.

The proposal details the conditions under which quarantined people can leave the quarantine home during the 14-day quarantine period, subject to a permit request sent in Hungarian or English to the territorially competent police station.

The legislator plans to prevent violations of travel control, software applications, medical care, departures and quarantine rules for people in quarantine with a fine of 5,000-150,000 HUF. A fine of up to HUF 600,000 can be imposed in one day for repeated violations.

What’s new is that a fine could be imposed on-site in the offender’s absence for breaking these rules.

The issuance of a quarantine decision will also be simplified, as all quarantine personnel from the competent authority will have the right to do so. In other words, the government is trying to relieve the authorities who are far behind the administration. they also state that the quarantine decision must be communicated in person or by electronic means other than in writing. Written communication will be the exception from now on. There is no possibility of appeal in cases related to quarantine, the Metropolitan Court designated exclusively to carry out such procedures can only decide to record in writing the decision to order quarantine.

Modifying the Health Law

They would allow schools and vocational training institutions to connect the Electronic Health Services Area, the Public Education Information System and the CRETE system to facilitate knowledge of coronavirus infections and make informed decisions about the control of the epidemic and education digital.

The idea would be that data on confirmed coronavirus infection, the number of people infected with TAJ, uploaded to the EESC should be sent to the Office of Education on a daily basis. Based on the voluntary data provided by the parents, the TAJ number and other data of those who live in the same household as the student is also uploaded to the CRETE system, so it will be automatically sold to schools and epidemics of those who live in the same home as the infected. The proposal would also make it possible to do all this in the case of school workers, that is, the public education body could compare the number of TAJs of workers with the EESC data on the fact of infection.
