Index – National – Dezső Kellér, the pioneer of Hungarian stand-up


Dezső Kellér was born in December 1905 in Budapest, in Csikágó, Erzsébetváros, consisting mainly of three-story circular corridor wings. Not only him, but also his two-year-old brother. He started out as a journalist, but while Andor exploded on his literary laurels, Dezső was captivated by the world of cabaret from a young age.

Young comedians

I recently read this oddity on a radio show: “Young comedians night.” It seemed to me exactly as if I had read it as “an old long distance running game.” The adjective young somehow doesn’t fit the name of the comedian. A comedian can be wise, he can be astringent, he can be bitter, there can only be one: young. Or it may be young, but we still think it is old.

Because humor requires a lot of experience in life.

But then why do they still call themselves young comedians?

My suspicion is that this is just an excuse. In this direction, they want to get on the literature bus across the street.

At twenty-two, the Comedy Cabaret presented its first cabaret joke. Since the late 1920s, he began to write verses, lyrics and cabaret scenes. In 1933 he performed for the first time as a lecturer on the Teréz körút stage.


During an inventory, from somewhere deep in one of the drawers, a little one-act play came out that I wrote when I was twenty. I read it and found that it can still be done today. I’ll give it somewhere. I didn’t even change it much, I just rewrote the instructions for the main character.

In the original it said:

MIKLÓS is an icy temple, wide-eyed, forty years old, tired of shuffling.

In the current version:

MIKLÓS is a handsome and cheerful young man in his forties, with springy steps.

In half a century, his distinctive stance has become his unadulterated trademark as he clings to the theater curtain with his right hand while spreading banter, witty wit, soft teasing, that is, lecture.


Did it appear to me or did someone else notice it? If the television offers a close-up view of the soccer field, we always see a soccer player just doing one. So is the camera deliberately going towards the soccer player to capture the screech, or is the soccer player screaming because they feel they are pointing at the camera? Life is full of mysteries …

That is beautiful?

We know various definitions of beauty as an aesthetic category. A few years ago, I met a new one while broadcasting a boxing match.

Journalist: – Wonderful straight line! If I can see clearly, the Polish driver had his ears ripped off. Bravo Jancsi, it was good!

He has written movie scripts during his lifetime (Scrap Revenge, It is forbidden to marry!, All beginnings are hard etc.), operetta libretti (Three springs), more than two hundred cabaret scenes. Hungarian folk songs (Katika lives next to a priest, somewhere you are always wrong, I don’t know where I ruined my life etc.) a full line is attached to your name.


Perhaps nothing lost as much rank as the applause. However, the authority of the Moon has also been mistreated since poems have not been written about her, but reports on the ground. Furthermore, the value of the kiss has been greatly diminished by its emergence from the low-key twilight to the general public. But the applause was the one that devalued the most. We are already there that on the radio, on television, at various events, the beloved viewers and students applaud not out of spontaneous ecstasy, but out of demand. We applaud! Says the presenter, and the applause is loud. If, in a literary contest, on the question of who wrote Toldi, someone thinks after a long reflection that János Arany has already come to thank, congratulations, let’s applaud. And roars the applause, the fierce, stormy, thunderous, shaking of walls, applause in the sky. Somehow this is not the case: we applaud the expiration. Because what is applause? A measure of success, a testament to your appreciation, an expression of gratitude to those who provided the great experience. It’s definitely a rare holiday statement and especially an extraordinary product, at least it should be. But it hasn’t been that long. Rather, it is a mandatory daily courtesy demonstration. Nowadays, in all six radio studios, if the comedian only says what my mother-in-law says, the invited audience is already honoring him with applause as long as, say, Columbus for exploring America, before the Watergate affair, of course. . Or I saw a television program for young people, little ones competing, who can launch the paper boat further. Gyurika Moskovits was fourth. Let’s applaud him too, said the presenter. And when the palms collided, I was very sad because I thought about raising our children this way to reward the little ones with applause too. But then let’s not be surprised!

He was a true innovator of language: he created from the vocabulary of the private sector a More expensive word that was first spoken at a lecture in 1951. It became a haven for several of his jokes. These include the “Once I open my mouth, once I start to speak”, which became known in the evergreen performance of Béla Salamon.

Variable meaning of words

In my time, and that means the past, the suitor was expected to make a statement. Today, that spokesman.

He’s also been at the forefront of crappy legal language oddities. The language of regulations in his humor, published in 1955, the writer’s family and their guests play the board game of reading an arbitrary decree from the Official Gazette,

And then the one who can say what the decree contained, well, you can’t say it, but about the circus, about what it was about, then who can say that he takes out the coffers. Well please, I don’t want to complain to you, but I’m playing this game with such bad luck that my wife already said, “Son, let’s stop, we can’t afford this!”

From 1951 he spent twelve years on the Merry Stage, then in 1964 he was hired by the Thália Theater, where he also assumed the role of cabaret writer and lecturer for a decade and a half. From 1979 he performed on the Small Stage.

In his younger years, he appeared especially on New Year’s Eve. Theater Life reported that by the end of 1934 the champions of the pendulum became Jenő Herczeg and Vilmos Komlós (Hacsek and Sajó), who performed their songs no less than eighteen (!) On New Year’s Eve. Dezső Kellér was also added to the list with five performances.

New Year Eve

On New Years Eve 1962, on the television show with Róbert Rátonyi, with whom we had a conference, we made the mistake of sparing time and wishing our dear viewers a happy new year eight minutes before midnight. It became a big deal, negotiated for weeks in all parts of the country. When two people met on the street, they stopped in the twenty-degree cold of January and discussed this mistake. If it really was a blunder, because with a little benevolence they could have conceived it as a triumph: we completed the year eight minutes before the capitalists. But can you wish goodwill on the New Year’s Eve show? The masked plumber who lives in our house surprised him angrily on the staircase the next day and was almost outraged out of it:

– Sir, this scandal! Do you do New Years eight minutes before? Well, you should beat yourself to death!

“Look, sir,” I said, that’s why everyone has the right to complain, except you. The last time we let you know that the tap was on, you said it was about to go up and when did it go up? In three weeks. Are you there for those eight minutes now?

Dezső Kellér, who died at the age of 81 in 1986, a Inventory (1976) has already dealt extensively with the problems of aging:

Old people with hairy bears

I don’t want to start a new life. Glad I can continue with the previous one.


A sign of aging is that a person remembers everything they want to forget and forgets everything they want to remember.


“Speak, you have experienced much, you have experienced much, wise old man!” What brings people closer?

– A good binocular!


Someone asked me the other day:

– Why don’t you buy a car?

“Because,” I replied, “because the driver has to look ahead and behind.” And I prefer to look back.


Older people can be used effectively not only in production work, but also to recognize in an old photo that has come to light: who can be seen in it?


Regardless of what the world changes, an aging person will always be happy to cite the past. At best, with the difference that fifty years ago bearded old men thought of the time when they were still cheeky young men, and fifty years later they will be hairy old men who remember today, when they were still young bearded men.
