Index – National – Coronavirus: without improvement, 84 people died


By Thursday, the new coronavirus infection (Covid-19) had been detected in 3,928 new Hungarian citizens, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 94,916. Most of the 84 deaths were elderly, chronic patients, so the number of deaths increased to 2,147 and 22,823 have already recovered. The number of active infections is 69,946. 25 percent of the actively infected, 30 percent of the dead and 27 percent of those recovered are from Budapest. The hospital cares for 5,183 coronavirus patients, 378 of whom are connected to ventilators.

Increasingly shocking figures: 90 dead, 4,219 newly infected

Almost 5,000 are hospitalized for the coronavirus.

The second wave of the epidemic is increasing dramatically across Europe and in Hungary, with a steady increase in the number of infected people and the number of deaths. At its meeting on Tuesday, the government therefore decided on new protection measures, which were announced by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Tuesday. The government requests the cooperation of citizens in the implementation of emergency measures related to the emergency; can be read at As they write:

The government has restored the state of emergency and has already declared it in the Hungarian Gazette. This is important because the extraordinary rule of law, as happened during the first wave, allows the government to act quickly.

The emergency situation that Viktor Orbán announced at night came to life

The government decree has already been published in the Hungarian Gazette.

At the time of the emergency, a night curfew was applied. Between midnight and five in the morning, everyone must be at their place of residence, stay or accommodation. Exceptions to this:

  • if someone for work,
  • for transportation to the workplace,
  • from the place of work to the place of residence, stay or accommodation,
  • or in a situation where there is a risk of damage to health, danger of death or serious injury,
  • and leave the place of residence in order to protect life.

In order to reduce the spread of the epidemic, free parking was reintroduced and the local public transport company in Budapest and cities with county status are obliged to prepare a traffic consolidation plan on weekdays between seven and nine in the morning and between three and seven in the afternoon. periods between.

Christmas: One hundred thousand tests are obtained in the capital

According to the mayor, free parking can cause traffic chaos.

The government has also decided to close nightclubs, and from now on events will only be able to sit in one in three chairs at events, sporting events, cinemas and theaters, and masks must be worn. In addition, the use of masks is still mandatory in shops, public transport, health and social facilities and restaurants.

Operational tribe: everyone's responsibilities have increased, the police will also be tighter

Kristóf Gál spoke about the government’s request for the cooperation of the population. But the police are also imposing stiffer fines.

The police strictly monitor compliance with the rules, impose fines and close places where regulations are not followed.

  • According to information from, the police acted in 3411 cases for violation of the official home quarantine, in 60 cases they were warned, in 64 cases fines were imposed on the spot and 3,287 reports of violation were made.
  • The police reported violations of the rules for wearing masks in 2,625 cases, 784 in public transport, 1,841 in shops and other mandatory places.
  • Violations of the rules for holding events and opening stores required 86 measures, were warned in nine cases, fines were imposed on the spot on five occasions and 72 complaints of infringement were filed.
  • Violations of travel restrictions resulted in 5,426 police actions, 1,340 warnings, 2,698 on-site fines and 1,388 reports of violations.
  • The police, shops, restaurants and entertainment venues were attended by the police in ten cases, warned six times, fined three times and three places closed.

Cecília Müller: There is no institution where the virus is not potentially present

There is no institution where the virus is not potentially present.

Who does not follow the rules, does not wear the mask, does not maintain the protective distance, can endanger not only his own life, but also the lives of others.

Said the Prime Minister.

To protect the Hungarian people, the government is negotiating a coronavirus vaccine on several fronts so that the Hungarian people have access to the vaccine as soon as possible, he highlighted on

Can't get enough of the Russian vaccine

Production fell, although the Hungarian government also had high hopes for the Russian vaccine.

To stop the spread of the community continues

  • Avoid places where there are many people inside,
  • if possible, keep social distance,
  • wash your hands frequently and thoroughly,
  • whoever has been ordered to be officially quarantined for a stay abroad or for any other reason, must strictly adhere to it,
  • Anyone with symptoms should not go into the community but stay home and notify their GP by phone.

Emmi: I have enough hospital beds and a ventilator

There are nearly three times as many hospital beds available to treat covidium patients than are now tied to care.

Hospitals are prepared for the increased workload and all patients needing hospital care have access to beds and hospital care. At this stage of defense, it is particularly important to protect the performance of hospitals, which is why it is important to strictly adhere to security measures.

– are written, adding that free flu vaccines are already being given as part of health protection and GPs are getting vaccinated against flu on an ongoing basis.

The protection of elderly and chronic patients is of the utmost importance. The elderly are also asked to pay more attention to themselves and general precautions. Visiting hospitals and nursing homes is prohibited. And nursing home owners should do everything they can to prevent infection. If a focal point takes place in a social institution or anywhere else in the community, the epidemiological deployment unit will take the necessary actions.

Parents' lives are less threatened by the coronavirus

Experts have analyzed data from nine million adults to find out if they are most at risk in whose homes a child lives.


PDSZ: Coronavirus Has Killed At Least Six Teachers So Far

According to the PDSZ, there are no conditions for safe work in schools.

In addition to maintaining health protection, the government is working on additional economic and family protection measures.

Illustration: Diagonal Crown Monitor

(Cover image: Protective doctors and nurses will visit Covid’s Department of Orthopedic Traumatology at St. John’s Hospital in the capital on May 14, 2020 to greet patients infected with the coronavirus. Photo: Zoltán Balogh / MTI )
