Index – National – Coronavirus: the number of deaths in Hungary decreased again


The new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) was detected in 844 people and 56 died in Hungary in the last 24 hours.

According to ​​on Monday, most of the deceased were elderly, chronically ill. Thus, their number increased to a total of 12,024 people and the number of infected people registered in Hungary to 360,418 people.

The number of people cured, which is currently 243,092, is steadily increasing and the number of active infections has dropped to 105,302,3814 coronavirus patients are being hospitalized, 247 of whom are connected to a ventilator. So far, a total of 146,695 people have been vaccinated, of which 9,403 have already received the second dose.

In the 24 hours leading up to Sunday morning, 64 people died from the coronavirus infection in Hungary.

Most of those vaccinated so far have been vaccinated by health workers, in addition to ten thousand people who live in nursing homes and work there.

Hungary has so far purchased 19.7 million doses of Western vaccines, worth tens of billions of forints, from various manufacturers (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen, Curevac), of which only Pfizer vaccines and Moderna are currently licensed by the European Medicines Agency. (EMA).

So far, enough vaccines from the two manufacturers have reached Hungary to vaccinate a total of 165,000 people (5 shipments from Pfizer and 1 shipment from Moderna)

More shipments from Pfizer will arrive on Monday and Tuesday.

Enough vaccines are being received to vaccinate a total of 36,270 people. Of this amount, enough vaccine will be delivered to 4 different vaccination sites on Monday to vaccinate about 11,115 people, and enough vaccine will be delivered to 20 vaccination sites to vaccinate 25,155 people on Tuesday.

Security measures, including a curfew between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., remain in effect.
