Index – National – Coronavirus: Orbán government stops evaluating teachers


In mid-November, the Orbán government launched massive tests of teachers. The ordinance allowed teachers to volunteer for a coronavirus test, and 60 percent of educators passed the nearly two-week series, with more than 2,000 positive tests.

Now it seems that there will be no more.

The tests of those who work in institutions of public education and professional training will stop for the moment.

– RTL Klub Híradója cites the letter sent on December 4 by the Csongrád-Csanád county government commissioner to those responsible for educational institutions.

The director of the Democratic Union of Teachers said schools in other counties had been notified of the closure. Superintendent Erzsébet Nagy was hit unexpectedly by the fact of the closure, because according to the decision of the head of government and the operation, the teachers are evaluated not only once, but according to the provision weekly.

We do not know if this means that educational institutions will be closed starting next week, which we would consider quite justified, or something else entirely.

said the union leader.

The operational staff issued a statement in which they write that they will analyze the test results and then decide if there will be another round. We recently wrote that rapid antigen testing led by those working in the territorial administration will continue from Monday with nationwide specific group testing using the experience gained from two weeks of testing in kindergartens, kindergartens, educational institutions and social homes.
