Index – National – Coronavirus May Cause Preterm Birth and Miscarriage


Fetal harm is not caused by a coronavirus infection, but symptoms and complications in pregnant women, such as fever, pneumonia, can cause preterm labor or miscarriage.

– said the chief physician of the Department of the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases of the Central South Pest Hospital, President János Áder, on Monday’s podcast entitled Blue Planet.

János Slavik reported that there have been cases around the world where the infection passed from mother to fetus, but this is extremely rare.

Experience around the world shows that the virus is not dangerous for newborns. The babies who were infected had very mild symptoms. However, the newborn died as a result of the infection.

– He said.

In the healthcare sector, they are happy with the tightening, but the layoffs are still a horror

According to the unions, the positive effects of the restrictive measures are not expected until weeks later.

There were also pregnant women in Hungary who contracted the virus, but did not experience any problems during pregnancy and delivery. However, if pregnant women need treatment, it is more difficult for them not to be given experimental coronavirus drugs, only antipyretics and cough medications can be used.

The specialist added.

In the conversation, János Áder stated that

we ourselves degrade our possibilities by not respecting nature enough and by not paying attention to the signals we receive from nature.

This will infect the pub or party class without mask and ventilation.

Shocking figures on the spread of the coronavirus. The key to defense is to mask, ventilate, and limit the time spent in a room.
