Index – National – Coronavirus in Hungary: regulations on tightening and restrictions have been published


After Gergely Gulyás announced in a government briefing on August 28 that Hungary would close its borders due to the epidemiological situation, regulations on the tightening of epidemiological border controls and travel restrictions were published in the Hungarian Gazette, which will enter into force on Tuesday.

A non-Hungarian citizen cannot enter the country from 1 September, unless he has a permanent or Hungarian residence permit for more than 90 days (in which case family members can also enter), if he is an athlete or a sports professional, if he is a freight forwarder, if a person on an official visit, or anyone who can prove that he has been infected with Covid-19 in the last six months, writes HVG.

Hungarian citizens or their foreign relatives can undergo a mandatory medical examination when they return home, and if they are suspected of being infected, they will be quarantined at home or in the hospital, but if they are not suspected of being infected, they must be quarantined at home for 14 days. two negative tests 48 hours apart. Thus, the authority can allow it at home, and as Minister Gergely Gulyás said previously: in this case, a test taken from abroad will not be accepted.

In the case of non-Hungarian citizens, i.e. foreigners, police officers can only grant an exemption from the entry ban to those who need personal presence for official proceedings in Hungary, if they carry out a business for which they have a certificate government, if they are students in Hungary or if they have to come to the workplace or if they have to attend a family event. Anyone who comes to care for a family member or attends a sporting, cultural or church event, or who has any other reasonable reason to enter, may also enter. This request must be submitted in advance electronically in English or through a legal representative.

The following rules apply to travelers: citizens of neighboring states determined by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Hungarian citizens living there can enter the territory of Hungary at a distance of 30 kilometers from the state border for a maximum period of 24 hours, but they cannot leave the 30-kilometer lane. Similarly, up to 30 kilometers from the Hungarian state border, Hungarians living at home can freely return from abroad, provided they leave within 24 hours and have not left a strip of up to 30 kilometers from the state border in the neighboring country.

Foreign athletes attending a national sporting event can register if they can submit two negative tests in Hungarian or English from the previous 5 days, with a maximum deviation of 48 hours. However, according to the regulations, regarding UEFA protocol, it also works if someone comes in with a single negative test for a maximum of 3 days. A Hungarian athlete returning from abroad must leave the quarantine for two events, 24 hours must elapse between them, and can “travel on the form provided by the sports organization” between his home and the place of sports activities during the official home quarantine .

Contact persons who have been quarantined by the authority can be exempted by two negative tests issued within 48 hours. They can start the first exam at least four days after contact with the infected person.
