Index – National – Coronavirus: 94 dead, more than one hundred thousand have received the second vaccination


The new coronavirus infection was detected in 1,079 new Hungarian citizens in Hungary, increasing the number of infected people in Hungary to 378,734. 94 deaths, mostly elderly, chronic patients, so the number of deaths increased to 13,249 – can be read at

The number of cured people is constantly increasing, currently 283,282 people, the number of actively infected people has decreased to 82,203 people. 3,792 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, 304 of whom are on ventilators.

A day earlier, the coronavirus infection had been detected in 1,160 Hungarian citizens. Monday, 65, mostly elderly, chronic patients. The hospital treated 3,717 patients, 295 of whom were on a ventilator.

As health workers and nursing homes and residential social institutions have been vaccinated in the form of a campaign, registered people, including the elderly, have been vaccinated since February 4. According to the government side so far

291,396 people were vaccinated, 110,395 of whom had already received the second vaccination.

The operational tribe said in a briefing on Monday that the Russian Sputnik V vaccine would be used in hospital vaccines because it could be more easily stored. With this, three thousand people can be vaccinated. By the way, the government has tied 2 million doses of the Russian vaccine, which will be delivered to Hungary in several stages.

Vaccination is free and voluntary. The Orbán government is asking that the public who wants to be vaccinated register. This can be done online, at, and by mail. Two million people have already signed up for the vaccine.

At the moment, the restrictions are valid until March 1. Viktor Orbán previously said that relaxation is not expected until there is a mass vaccination. At the same time, Gergely Gulyás spoke in Government Info on Thursday that there will be a national consultation on the possible directions of the opening on February 15. The minister in charge of the prime minister said that if there is no third wave due to the new mutant, it is possible to prepare for the slow opening from March.

(Cover image: A Semmelweis University student is preparing for a coronavirus test at the Nógrád County Government Office exam center, Salgótarján, on January 16, 2021. Photo: Péter Komka / MTI )
