Index – National – Church Views on Vaccination


As reported by the Index, Vatican guidelines require Catholic believers to avoid administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine if they can, as the church says it raises ethical concerns that fetal cells have also been used to develop and manufacture it. The product of the aforementioned manufacturer, called Janssen, could enter the EU health system from April, Hungary, which has linked 4.36 million doses of this vaccine.

In connection with this, we contacted the Hungarian Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Director of the MKPK Secretariat office, dr. The moral theologian Gábor Németh indicated to our newspaper that the USA Today article cited above quotes the declaration of the Holy See and the American Episcopal Conference in a “strong paraphrase”: the document of the Holy See was published on December 21, 2020 , when Johnson & Johnson vaccine was not available at all. It has not been marketed and therefore cannot be referenced in the text.

It is necessary to highlight two aspects of this statement: “When ethically sound vaccines against Covid-19 are not available (…), it is morally acceptable to use vaccines developed from abortive fetal cells. Furthermore, the document urges pharmaceutical companies to produce and market vaccines that are ethically acceptable to all people.

– says the theologian, who also points out that in Hungary, the vaccinator interviews and physically examines the person to be vaccinated with the help of a questionnaire before vaccination. In the case of the vaccine to be used, the recommendation of the vaccine doctor is primary, since vaccines vary in their effectiveness depending on age, sex, disease, etc. of the person to be vaccinated. it may depend to a great extent, only a few of our compatriots have complete freedom of decision and choice in this field.

The Vatican document also emphasizes that

A decision in favor of one or the other vaccine does not imply the approval of the abortion or its moral justification. Just as it is not about moral responsibility and cooperation in evil when, for example, someone receives the organs of a person who has died in an accident or has been the victim of a murder.

Therefore, we cannot speak of the believer committing any sin by accepting the vaccine. In addition, when inoculating itself, it takes into account the public good, which includes the right to life, the provision of decent living conditions (provision of employment, etc.) and many other values.

The moral theologian also drew attention to the fact that the revelations and practices of the Holy See also point in the direction of getting vaccinated as much as possible. Pope Francis also gave an example of this, who was also vaccinated on February 3. The vaccine was available not only to its direct staff, but also to homeless people living in the vicinity of St. Peter’s Basilica from the vaccine available to the Vatican, added Gábor Németh.

According to Islam, the protection of life is paramount.

Finally, from a religious point of view, the council of scientists of the Islamic religion (ulema) in Indonesia also classified the new coronavirus vaccine from Sinovac Biotech in China, as well as the AstraZeneca vaccine as permissible.

However, according to the advice of the Ulemans, the AstraZeneca vaccination is a bite, that is, it is prohibited because it also contains trypsin extracted from the pancreas of the pig, at least that is what they wrote on their website. AstraZeneca denied the allegation in an official statement.

“During the manufacturing process, the virus vector vaccine does not come into contact with swine products or other products of animal origin,” said Rizman Abudaeri, Indonesian representative at AstraZeneca.

In Pakistan, a misconception similar to Indonesia’s is slowing down the vaccination process. There, some claim that the vaccine is forbidden, which means that it is forbidden by Islam because it misleadingly claims that it contains porcine gelatin. Rumor on the air spreads over WhatsApp, popular in Pakistan.

Religious scientists in the United Arab Emirates, where the vaccination campaign has already started with the vaccine, also made by Sinopharm in China, also gave the vaccine an approved certification in December. The head of the Wood Council justified the decision by claiming that the protection of life in the case of a Chinese vaccine that supposedly contains porcine gelatin overrides the Islamic religion’s prohibition on the consumption of pork derivatives.

The Hungarian Islamic community also recommends vaccination.

The Hungarian Islamic community has a similar opinion.

The MIK considers the protection of life to be a priority according to the Islamic religion, so until pork-free vaccines are marketed, this vaccine should also be used by Muslims if there is no other option.

Zoltán Bolek said.

The president of the Hungarian Islamic Community illustrated with an example that, in case of threat of hunger, Islamic believers are also allowed to consume pork if we do not have other foods available.

“Protecting LIFE cancels everything because we receive it from the Creator and only He has the right to take it,” wrote the community leader to our question.

(Cover image: Johnson Johnson Coronavirus Vaccine March 25, 2021, Los Angeles, California. Photo: MARIO TAMA / GETTY IMAGES NORTH AMERICA / Getty Images / AFP)
