Index – National – Christmas: the vaccination plan is in chaos, but we are helping


Mayor Gergely Karácsony and Tamás Soproni, Mayor of Terézváros and President of the Association of Budapest Municipalities, wrote a letter to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán stating that the government’s vaccination plan had collapsed, but that

Let the government dominate the chaos it has created.

They also write that district governments can participate in the implementation of the vaccination plan.

We need medical attention more than ever, our doctors, our nurses, our law enforcement officers, we have to take out the garbage in case of an epidemic, we have to go to the streetcar. If the people who administer basic services, those who do their jobs with the greatest problems, who take care of us, do not work, the blood circulation of the country will stop.

They point out that this will happen if there is no guard service in the institutions or if people have no choice but to stay home with the child.

The situation of health workers is also mentioned.

The already dire situation was exacerbated by the little considered situation of health workers. In the interest of security of supply, we urge the government to restore the civil service status of healthcare workers. There is no room for any political deliberation here and now, let the government overcome the chaos and initiate immediate consultations with local governments for this purpose as well.

– He declared in the letter.
