Index – National – Christmas people asked the union for money in a letter


The mayor of Budapest, Gergely Karácsony, published the open letter that he wrote together with several Hungarian mayors. Věra Jourova, Vice-President of the European Commission and Katarina Barley, Vice-President of the European Parliament. The Christmas people want EU grants to go directly to local authorities.

The mayor of Budapest indicates to the heads of the institutions that the government of Hungary is not the same as that of the Hungarians. While sanctioning Orbán’s government may be justified in case of abuse, the Hungarian people should receive the subsidies they deserve, the mayor believes.

We consider it important, and even essential, that when EU officials discuss the activities of the Hungarian government, they do not fail to distinguish between the country and its government. After all, the Hungarian democracy is not “sick” in the first place, at best it has made it sick from government policy. If European standards are violated, it is the Hungarian government, not Hungary

– read in the letter.

In total, Hungary may receive more than 6 billion euros (more than 2 billion guilders) from the EU rescue package against the coronavirus, most of which (4.64 billion) is made up of the Reconstruction Fund (FRR).

Thus, the mayor asks the EU commissioners on behalf of several Hungarian municipalities to be

The Commission of the European Union and the European Parliament should support our efforts to allow Hungary to use at least half of this support through local governments.

– found in the letter, which can be read in its entirety on Mayor Gergely Karácsony’s community page.
