Index – National – Christmas is already preparing to restart Budapest


Dávid Sajó

05/13/2020. 08:12

Gergely Karácsony summarizes the capital’s restart strategy under the name Budapest Restart. According to the mayor, it is worth planning the return of Budapest to the old wheelbase on the basis of the following points:

  • continuing massive tests, publishing all the data,
  • Sick leave should also be granted to those who produce only the mildest symptoms,
  • only a negative test can be taken by anyone from hospital to hospital, social institution or home,
  • and “sliding” work and education that begins during peak hours.

Capital plans the following measures in its own competence:

  • continuation of tests, disclosure of all data,
  • deliver new public spaces to pedestrians and cyclists, further develop public transport,
  • delivery of new public spaces for hospitality,
  • use of digital tools to relieve congestion,
  • mask control.

The 15-page document.
available at this link
. Among other things, they write that

Under the proposal, workers would have the right to work from home in an emergency if they could carry out the tasks that stem from their work from there. And when the epidemic ends, workers, like vacations, can claim to work from home.

In addition, they say they can make the pier car-free on weekends, continue to create restricted traffic zones, and support opening restaurant terraces. In the long run, the mandatory use of masks can remain in several places:

The condition for reopening restaurants is that staff must wear a mask. When reopening playgrounds, adults should be required to cover their faces.

– it is included in the document, which also mentions the need to create new pedestrian areas, but we have to start with public transport, because the epidemic has increased people’s mistrust and the resulting underuse means a loss of almost a billion forints per week for the capital. So according to Christmas

It became urgent to keep the government’s repeatedly confirmed promise regarding the immediate provision of HUF 3.2 billion for the purchase of buses in the capital.
